Dawn Queva, a senior BBC employee has sparked severe outrage online after allegedly going on an antisemitic rant on social media. She works at the network as a senior co-ordinator who supervises the BBC Three scheduling team.
Under the name Dawn Las Quevas-Allen, the staffer posted a string of allegedly offensive posts on Facebook. On February 1, News outlet Deadline shared screenshots of the concerning posts reportedly made by the employee over the last few months.
As per the report, Dawn branded Jewish people “Nazi apartheid parasites” and denied the Holocaust by accusing the Jews of funding the “holohoax” (a term used by Holocaust deniers). She also allegedly attacked white people and called them a ‘virus’.
The BBC employee has since deleted her posts from her Facebook account. However, the screenshots have circulated online, prompting netizens to condemn Dawn Queva as well as the news network.
Dawn Queva's conspiracy theories and the following backlash
Dawn’s posts allegedly contain conspiracy theories regarding “AshkeNazis” — a word used to refer to Jews who have an ancestral connection with those who had lived in Eastern or Central Europe. In one of her posts, the BBC employee allegedly used a series of names for the Jews.
“Subcontinental European CaucAsian invader coloniser species with zero indigenous/blood on their maternal or parental side, just a bunch of thieving squatters from a land mass north of the Mediterranean.”
She also allegedly said Jews are from the “synagogue of Satan”. In another post made on January 12, Dawn reportedly brought up the Rothschilds conspiracy and referred to the Holocaust as ‘holohoax’ in an attempt to deny that it ever happened.
Deadline reported that the person who made all these posts as Dawn Las Quevas-Allen on Facebook is the same person working for the BBC as Dawn Queva. Previously, she worked for UKTV, Disney, and A+E Networks in scheduling.
Netizens expressed their disgust and detestation at the words allegedly written by Dawn Queva in her posts. They demanded her to be fired from her job and even prosecuted for spreading hate speech.
Dawn’s posts have been seemingly taken down from the platform. However, it is not the first time the BBC employee has been restricted by Facebook due to her questionable posts. Previously, her account was restricted by hate speech and bullying. She slammed the platform for taking action against her account and called it:
“Anti black klu klux klan white/Zionist restrictions.”
Deadline reported that Dawn’s manager and BBC were notified of her posts. The network apparently did not comment about Dawn in a specified manner. However, the broadcaster said it does not tolerate Islamophobia, antisemitism, or any form of hate speech or abuse. BBC also reportedly noted that it takes such allegations seriously and appropriate disciplinary action is also taken when necessary.