On September 10, 2023, Fast & Furious actor Tyrese Gibson shared a video on Instagram, in which he was crying while talking about his latest interview with The Breakfast Club. Tyrese said that DJ Envy nor Charlamagne Tha God, two of the three hosts of TBC, don't have any empathy.
He added that he was hurt by DJ Envy's comments. Envy said that he wanted to box Tyrese's mouth because the actor made disrespectful comments about the former's wife.
DJ Envy said in the interview,
"As a man, some of the things you said, Tyrese, deserved me to box ya mouth."
On September 7, 2023, Tyrese's interview episode for The Breakfast Club was released. In the interview, Tyrese and DJ Envy discussed their feud and explained what went wrong.
DJ Envy compared Tyrese Gibson to a pastor who was not living what he preached
The confrontation between DJ Envy and Tyrese Gibson began when the host Charlamagne Tha God asked Envy if he appreciated what Tyrese did for him when the DJ's marriage was going through a rough patch. To which DJ Envy said that, of course, he appreciated that. Soon after this, the Fast and Furious actor replied, "No, I don't feel like that you do."
DJ Envy then went on to explain what was going on in his marriage. He said that in 2013, he cheated on his wife, and Tyrese came up to help him out. DJ Envy also said that Tyrese was there to help him fix the marriage.
However, Tyrese replied to all this and said that when he was going through the divorce in 2020, no one reached out to him, and he expected more from DJ Envy. In the interview, Tyrese Gibson said that the same love was not reciprocated when he needed it the most. He went on to say,
"This is the part that I don’t appreciate about Envy. When ‘Tyrese divorce’ comes across y’all headlines, when the captions associated with the things that come across y’all desk, where is that same heart and love that I extended to you?"
DJ Envy replied to this and said,
"I respect the message and how it came…but then when I look at my brother and saying what he’s telling me to do, and how he’s telling me to live, he’s not living that way. I don’t respect it."
DJ Envy further said that he didn't like how Tyrese was acting in public and private spaces, and after seeing all this, he decided to take a step back. DJ Envy also said that another reason for him to step back from helping out the actor was that he disrespected Envy's wife.
Tyrese Gibson said that he was on medication back then and does not remember what he said at that time
Tyrese Gibson said in the interview that he was on medication, and that period of time was rough on him. After the interview was aired, the actor shared an Instagram video in which he was crying and said,
"Y’all know that I could make the choice to go at both of them, and I’m not gonna do it. The choice that I’m gonna make is to wish them well in their careers, their marriage, their family, everything. I want the best for them I really do."
He further thanked the third host of the show, Jess, and said that Jess was the only person who had a heart in that room and was not insensitive to him or about his stuff.