Claims of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducting a nationwide test in the US on Wednesday, 4 October 2023 have spread like wildfire online. Some netizens are claiming that they will be shutting off their phones to not take part in the test while others are simply sharing their own conspiracy theories about the situation.
It has been confirmed that the FEMA will certainly be carrying out tests for their Emergency Alert System and their Wireless Emergency Alert on the aforementioned date. It has also been revealed that it will take place at approximately 10:20 am AKT.
People nationwide will be receiving a notification on their cell phones alongside the television and the radio.
Explaining the reason behind the test, FEMA revealed that an alert will be sent to every mobile decide in the nation to ensure that:
“the systems continue to be effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the national level.”
The test is to take place for approximately thirty minutes. People will be receiving messages on their mobile phones that read:
“THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”
Those listening to the television or radio will also receive a message that will state:
“This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, covering the United States from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. This is only a test. No action is required by the public.”
It has been confirmed that no person living in the United States will have to register to take part in the test. Everyone can continue to use their devices as normal as soon as the test is done.
Conspiracy theories about FEMA’s 4 October test erupt online
Many netizens have expressed weariness over FEMA’s test. YouTuber Offgrid Secrets claimed that the test might put people’s health at risk. He said in the video:
“I’m no scientist but I don’t know the effect of having multiple of millions of people up to four hundreds and millions of people having their phones ringing at the same time over a 30-minute period. I don’t know what that will do… there have been studies that show mobile phone and Wi-Fi radiation can affect them [insects] and disturb their circadian rhythms and immune system function. So, it could be catastrophic trying to use everyone’s phone at the exact same time for not only human health potentially but insects, birds, bees things like that so that’s my prediction.”
The conspiracy theorist also attempted to find out what the date of 4 October meant on the Gematria calculator. He found that it was related to the "Atomic Bomb, Dimension, Rabbit Role, God Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, Original God, Crashes, Stalking, The Night, Comcast, Censored, The Big Apple" and "Fallen Ones" amongst others.
Twitter user @AmigaSammys and @rmdsdriver claimed that this would be FEMAs way of hacking into people’s phone's.
This is not the first time such a test has taken place. The UK tested their first emergency alarm in April and there were no issues when it took place.