On Saturday, May 20, an Indianola police officer, Greg Capers, allegedly shot 11-year-old Aderrien Murry in the chest. The incident occured after the latter had called the police in relation to a domestic disturbance at his home. Officer Greg, who responded to the scene, is accused of shooting the unarmed 11-year-old by mistake. Aderrien Murry has since been released from hospital, and is now resting at home.
Trigger warning: This article concerns gun violence and police brutality, reader discretion is advised.
According to Newsweek, Officer Greg Capers was suspended from duty in connection to the shooting of Aderrien Murry. The case is currently being investigated by the Mississipi Bureau of Investigation. Bodycam footage of the incident has not yet been released.
The timeline of Aderrien Murry's shooting
The shooting of Aderrien Murry occured at approximately 4:00 am on May 20. According to the victim's mother, Nakala Murry, the father of one of her children arrived at her house in the early hours of the morning and began to cause an angry commotion. Nakala subsequently told her son to call the authorities.
Nakala Murry described the harrowing moment when Officer Greg Capers and his colleague arrived at the scene, adding:
"I walked towards the end of my driveway where my mom was. And I heard a shot, and I saw (Aderrien Murry) run out towards where we were. He ran from the inside of the house all the way to where we were in this one. He fell, bleeding, shot, and I put pressure on the — I put pressure on it to stop, help stop the bleeding."
In the wake of the shooting, the 11-year-old was promptly transported to the University of Mississippi Medical Center; he was treated there before being released for a home recovery. WAPT noted that the child's injuries are not life threatening; he reportedly sustained a collapsed lung, fractured ribs, and a lacerated liver. Aderrien's mother said that while he is currently stable, he is in immense pain.
Carlos Moore, an attorney representing the Murry family, condemned the police response to the incident, stating:
"We want justice now, not later. We want immediate termination, we want prosecution and we want the family to get some answers. We want to see that bodycam footage."
Moore said that the shooting of Murry was a clear sign that authorities had inadequate training. He added that the 11-year-old child presented no viable threat to Officer Greg Capers. Moore conluded that if Capers is not terminated from his position in the police, he will hold a sit in with the Murry family and their supporters at Indianola City Hall at 9:00 am.
City officials have not yet commented on the investigation into the shooting.