Popular Mexican actor and comedian Xavier Lopez Rodriguez, also known by his stage name Chabelo, recently passed away on March 25 at the age of 88. He died from abdominal complications, and a Facebook post by popular news personality Debora Estrella stated that he was hospitalized in CDMX for intestinal disease, where he passed away at around 8 am.
Xavier's family disclosed the news of his demise on his Twitter account, where they shared a post, stating:
"With a torn soul and knowing that many and many people have loved him for many years and that they will feel his departure, we ask you to pray for his rest and give us the opportunity to spend in peace the mourning that overwhelms our entire family. Lopez Miranda Family."
His family also posted another tweet that shared:
"This is a very sad morning, Xavier Lopez Chabelo, father, brother and husband has left us suddenly, due to abdominal complications."
Netizens pay tribute to the legendary comic on Twitter
Xavier Lopez Rodriguez had gained recognition over the span of several decades for his memorable work as a comedian and frequent television appearances. Needless to say, his work has touched the lives of many, especially children who grew up loving his onscreen presence.
Heartfelt tributes poured in on social media when news of his demise broke online. Journalist Antonio de Valdes shared a video on Facebook featuring Xavier performing as a comedian and wrote that he will be remembered for the hundreds of fun moments he gave to the audience.
Chabelo was known for being a talented comedian
Born on February 17, 1935, Xavier grew up in the central Mexican city of Leon and served on a California-based military base. He then studied medicine in Mexico and joined a private clinic as a doctor alongside working as a part-time assistant at the headquarters of the Mexican broadcaster Televisa.
He soon began to fill in for actors who could not arrive for shows and once read a joke on air about a boy named Chabelo. This led to the birth of a new character, who was also the face of Pepsi in the 50s. Xavier was featured in several commercials over the years.
Xavier was popular for his appearances on the game show, En Familia con Chabelo. It aired for around 45 years, featuring Xavier's character as well, and the comic received the Guinness Record for his appearance in the character for 57 years.
Xavier was featured in various other films and was the producer of shows like La Escuelita VIP and Los Simuladores. According to Mexican journalist Laura Martinez, there was rarely anyone who was not familiar with Xavier's work. His films used to air on Saturday afternoons, and he was featured confronting different creatures.