On Thursday, August 3, family and friends of missing TikToker Chris Rooney announced that he had been found safe. According to Oxgaps, fans of the Tiktok star became concerned after he deleted his social media accounts. The 35-year-old, a resident of Fredericksburg, Virginia, was last seen by family and friends at his Main Street residence on July 25, 2023.
Authorities have not revealed the circumstances behind Chris Rooney's disappearance, nor his subsequent discovery. Due to his vast following online, many netizens expressed concern about the case. Rooney is best known for operating the account @theyeetbaby, which has more than 1 million followers. His person account, @chrisrooneyy, has 230,000 followers.
Chris Rooney was reportedly facing online criticism regarding his personal life
Due to his online popularity, many internet users attempted to raise awareness about the case of Chris Rooney, noting that people around Matoaca and West Virginia should be on the look out.
While Chris Rooney's online fame influenced how widely posts about him were spread, many of the netizens leading the initiative were from his area. Some noted that while Rooney's case is garnering so much attention due to his online presence, many knew him as a fellow student from their high school.
Certain online users, such as veruca73, speculated upon the reasons behind Christopher Rooney's disappearance. Veruca73 claimed that Rooney's former wife had two miscarriages, eventually leading to a divorce. They said that rather than being missing, he had voluntarily taken a break from the online world by spending time alone at a casino hotel.
Users claimed that Chris Rooney was pushed to take a break from the online sphere due to the disturbing comments many netizens had made about his personal life, with a focus on his divorce.
Many claimed that the cyberbullying could have led to him 'spiralling'. Due to the combination of factors, many believed that the incident was indicative of a mental health crisis on his part.
In one video, Rooney said that online users had called him an alcoholic, and identified this factor as the supposed reason his marriage came to an end.
The reports of Chris Rooney's alleged alcoholism and potential mental health issues led to many upset netizens. The online user is best known for wholesome, family-oriented videos he creates with his niece.
However, when netizens began to accuse Rooney of substance abuse, he revealed an angrier, more troubled side of himself. He claimed that such comments "trigger" him, and that they push him to the edge.
Authorities have not confirmed where Chris Rooney was when he was missing. Officials have not mentioned the possibility of foul play, nor identified any potential suspects. They have not discussed whether substance abuse or mental health issues played a role in the case.