Social media users were left devastated after popular comedian and actor, Dana Carvey announced the tragic passing away of his son, Dex Carvey. The 32-year-old was Dana’s oldest son and passed away on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. The news was brought to light by Dana, who posted a message on Instagram stating that Dex passed away due to an “accidental drug overdose.”
The caption read:
"Dex packed a lot into those 32 years. He was extremely talented at so many things – music, art, film making, comedy – and pursued all of them passionately."
He also talked about addiction and the struggles of it, and wrote:
"To anyone struggling with addiction or who loves someone struggling with addiction, you are in our hearts and prayers."
Allegedly, Dex was found unresponsive locked in the bathroom of his house in Los Angeles. As his girlfriend found him in an unconscious state, she immediately called 911. He was announced dead by the authorities as soon as they entered the apartment.
Dex was well known as he followed his father’s footsteps and experimented with stand-up comedy. The 32-year-old also opened for SNL’s 2016 Netflix Special, Straight While Male. He was also seen in Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser and The Funster, which featured Dex and his father, Dana Carvey together.
Netizens mourn the passing away of Dex Carvey as father, Dana Carvey announces the death of the 32-year-old on Instagram
As Dana Carvey posted the emotional message on social media, the netizens were left sad and grieving for the loss of the young soul. Here is how the netizens responded and paid their tributes:
At the moment, Dana Carvey or anyone from the family has not revealed the funeral and memorial services details, however, the family is devastated by the loss of the Dex. Dana Carvey and his wife, Paula got married in 1983, and welcomed their two sons, Dex in 1991 and Thomas in 1994.