10-year-old Geanna Bradley was found dead last month, succumbing to starvation, neglect, and pneumonia. Three individuals, including Bradley's foster parents and grandmother, had been taken into custody in connection to the child's death. Law enforcement officials have revealed that the victim has been in the house since the age of 2, and they suspect she has faced immense abuse over time.
Honolulu Police Chief Joe Logan spoke in a press conference about the tragic incident and described the abuse as "horrifying." The chance of accidental trauma has been ruled out by a pediatrician who examined the victim.
Geanna Bradley was found dead at her house on January 18 after she allegedly suffered from pneumonia and was starved too
The series of events can be traced back to January 18, 2024, when cops were called to Geanna Bradley's residence after she was found unresponsive. Upon their arrival, cops discovered injuries to her head and face, including the lips, eyes, cheeks, ears, and forehead. They also discovered that a part of her nose's bridge was missing. According to her parents, Brandy and Thomas Blasse, and grandma, Debra Geron, she got the injuries while throwing tantrums.
The three arrested individuals further claimed that the victim sustained a nose injury after falling from the bicycle. However, KHON reported the findings of the pediatrician who examined Bradley and said,
"[The injuries were] not expected in accidental trauma and are very likely from repeated abusive trauma."
The arrested suspects have been formally charged with second-degree murder, two counts of kidnapping, and two counts of first-degree unlawful imprisonment. In addition, Thomas and Brandy have been charged with endangering the welfare of a minor. Brandy and Debra are also facing an additional charge of suspicion of first-degree hindering prosecution.
Cops believe that the victim has been abused a lot by her foster parents and grandmother
After a thorough investigation, authorities ruled the death of Geanna Bradley as a homicide. According to KHON, Chief Logan stated:
"I think the elements of the crime and the due diligence of homicide and their activities were able to uncover information rather quickly and move the investigation along."
Crime Online mentioned that an autopsy revealed that the cause of death would be starvation, blunt force injury from an assault, prolonged immobilization and physical restraint, medical neglect, and pneumonia. Police said that they had obtained mobile-captured footage that showed the victim in violent altercations with her foster parents and her grandmother. According to the Star Advertiser, Lt. Deena Thoemmes, head of the Honolulu Police Department’s homicide unit, said,
"When officers arrived they were informed the child was found cold and stiff. At the time, officers observed that she had significant injuries, and bruising on her body and appeared emaciated."

Upon investigation, cops determined that Geanna Bradley was often restricted to a small porch area. She lived in the house with her foster parents, grandmother, four biological kids of Thomas and Brandy, and an adopted son of the couple. Geanna was allegedly tied with duct tape on her mouth, eyes, and arms.