What happened to Gloristine Pinkney? Suspect arrested after elderly woman mowed down at Home Depot parking lot

Bryce Caleb Timothy Brown has been arrested in connection to the death of a 73-year-old  woman, (Image via @LPaulKang/Twitter)
Bryce Caleb Timothy Brown has been arrested in connection to the death of a 73-year-old woman, (Image via @LPaulKang/Twitter)

20-year-old Bryce Caleb Timothy Brown has been arrested in connection to the murder of a 73-year-old woman identified as Gloristine Pinkney. The Maryland man allegedly mowed down the elderly woman on Sunday with a stolen forklift. Brown has been charged with first-degree murder, second-degree murder, assault, theft, and several other charges.

Authorities found Gloristine Pinkney and pronounced her dead at the scene. They further confirmed that Brown did not know Pinkney before the tragic scene. They both, however, were from Waldorf.

Cops later found Gloristine Pinkney’s vehicle parked near Brown’s residence the same day.


The 20-year-old suspect has been held without bond at the Charles County Detention Center. According to the victim’s mother, Brown was believed to be in a mental health crisis on Saturday evening.

An elderly woman named Gloristine Pinkney was rammed over by a stolen forklift that 20-year-old Bryce was driving

A tragic incident took place at the Lowe’s Home Improvement store parking lot, where Bryce Caleb Timothy Brown slammed a stolen forklift into another car.

As a result of the collision, 73-year-old Gloristine Pinkney, who was inside the car, sustained injuries. Pinkney was reportedly sleeping inside the car when the crash happened, however, she tried to run away on foot. According to authorities, when Pinkney attempted to flee, Brown ran her over.

“After pursuing leads, detectives were able to positively identify Brown as the suspect,” the cops added.

Brown’s mother, Kristy, reportedly had to call the cops, after the suspect had a mental health crisis on Saturday. She requested the cops to find the suspect and bring him home since he reportedly fled the house. Kristy further recalled the 911 call that she made:

“I kept screaming ‘come get him come get him,’ It took them maybe 20 minutes. By the time they got here, he was gone.”

Later, at around 12.40 am local time, the suspect allegedly broke into a nearby Lowes store on Crain Highway in Waldorf. According to investigating officers, the suspect reportedly used the machine to smash through the security gates of the parking area.

When authorities arrived, they discovered the forklift abandoned next to the body of Gloristine Pinkney.

The suspect’s mother claimed that his mental situation worsened after a shooting incident

Kristy Brown apologized to Gloristine Pinkney’s family, and said:

“I’m just so sorry. I’m so sorry. My heart aches for the family of the victim as well as my heart. I’m heartbroken.”

Bryce Caleb Timothy Brown reportedly graduated from Friendship Tech Prep in Washington DC, in 2021. He later went to Bridgewater College in Virginia on a scholarship. Shortly after that, the suspect’s mental state began deteriorating.

Kristy further said that an active shooting incident in February 2022 had worsened the situation for Bryce even more. She said:

“We have tried to get Bryce help, but as an adult, there’s nothing that I can do after the age of 18. So, whatever we tried, if he refused, there was nothing we could do.”

Kristy Brown also described the situation to be extremely frustrating. She further revealed that she would ask the judge if Bryce could be held for a mental health evaluation.

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Edited by Prem Deshpande
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