Well-known chef Jean-Robert de Cavel passed away on Friday, December 23 at the age of 61.
He was battling leiomyosarcoma for a long time, which eventually led to his death. Jean-Robert's wife Annette Pfund de Cavel paid tribute to him, saying:
“Cincinnati will miss a wonderful, loving chef. But my daughter and I will miss our husband and dad the most."
Detailed information on his funeral has not yet been disclosed.
"Cincinnati icon": Netizens pay tribute on Twitter
Jean-Robert gained recognition over the years for being a fantastic chef and heading several restaurants. Twitter was flooded with tributes when people heard about his demise:
Jean-Robert de Cavel battled leiomyosarcoma for four years
Cavel was diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma in 2018. His close friend and business associate Dennis Spiegel mentioned that he had been mentally and physically fighting the disease, and praised Cavel for continuing to work despite his health issues.
Spiegel spoke about how Cavel served as a grand marshal during the Reindog Parade on Mt. Adams.
Before Dennis Spiegel revealed the news of Jean-Robert de Cavel's cancer, he had already started getting his treatment. Dennis also picked up Cavel from the hospital at the time and dropped him off at his residence so that he could change his clothes and get back to the restaurant.
In an interview with The Enquirer, Cavel stated that his problem did not have a cure and that he had decided to be strong and positive. He added that his team of doctors asked him to continue doing his work and not to give up.
Jean-Robert de Cavel opened many restaurants in collaboration with other companies

Born on September 12, 1961, Cavel started his career at Hotel Plaza Athenee in New York City, where he later became the head chef.
He collaborated with several companies like Pho Paris, Twist, and Lavomatic Café, and opened many restaurants. He then started a restaurant called Jean-Robert's Table in 2009, followed by others like French Crust, Le Bar a Boeuf, Eat at Jean-Bob's, and Restaurant L.
Cavel worked with restaurants like La Bonne Auberge, La Regence, La Gauloise, and more. He teamed up with other popular restaurants like Eat at Jean-Bob's, Frenchie Fresh, French Crust, and Le Bar a Boeuf. He served as the chef-in-residence of the Midwest Culinary Institute in 2009.
Jean-Robert de Cavel was the founder of the de Cavel Family SIDS Foundation along with his wife. Speaking about his achievements, Cavel once said:
"That's something I got very lucky without realizing, the support of everyone. People adopted me very quickly and I think when people adopt you, you feel comfortable. It was easier in Cincinnati to become more myself than it was in New York City."
Jean-Robert is survived by his wife Annette and daughter Leticia.