Adult film star Kagney Linn Karter, aged 36, tragically ended her own life, leaving friends and fans in shock. She was discovered deceased in her apartment in Parma, Ohio, with apparent suicide as the cause. Karter had a history of mental health struggles leading up to her death.
TMZ confirmed her cause of death as a suicide after reviewing the medical examiner's records. The records show that Karter passed away on February 15, 2024, in Parma, Ohio.
In response, her friends launched a GoFundMe campaign initiated by Rachel and Megan, owners of two fitness studios in Northeast Ohio, on behalf of Tina, Kagney's mom. The campaign aims to take care of the financial burden associated with Kagney’s memorial and relevant expenses.
The crowdfunding effort has witnessed massive support, with the two-day-old campaign reportedly raising $15,000, as reported by The Mirror. The GoFundMe page also states that surplus funds will be donated to a local animal rescue charity, in honor of Kagney's love for animals and because she "had a pure adoration for all of God's creatures."
Reactions pour in as Kagney Linn Karter's loved ones mourn her passing
Friends and family are grieving the loss of Kagney Linn Karter, who passed away on Thursday, February 15, in Ohio, at the age of 36. Details on her death were first reported by TMZ, quoting the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's Office, which received her body from an address in Parma.
The news of Karter's death came as a shock to friends and followers. Her recent social media post on February 10, just days before her passing, showed no indication of the struggles she may have been facing, as reported by The New York Post.
According to TMZ, the Parma Police Department suggests Linn Karter's death was a result of suicide. With about 742,000 followers, she had a notable online presence on Instagram. Karter was born in Houston and raised in Missouri and Pennsylvania. She was a cheerleader and a track athlete in high school.
Kagney Linn Karter began her career as an exotic dancer before shifting to the adult film industry. She boasted of many awards, including "Pet of the Month" in Penthouse and receiving various awards for her contributions. Throughout her career, Karter received multiple awards and numerous nominations at the AVN Awards.
In 2019, Kagney Linn Karter made a huge decision to leave Los Angeles and move to Ohio. There, she became a regular at a local pole dancing studio, as reported by The New York Post. The owners of the studio said that the news of her passing "sank like a stone in our hearts." It was clear that she had established a deep connection with both the art and the community.
The owners of the studio expressed their sentiments on her GoFundMe page, recalling her effortless grace and seamless integration into the studio. Linn Karter eventually opened her own pole fitness studio. She often showcased her passion for pole dancing through videos and photos on her Instagram.
Friends and admirers have come together on a GoFundMe page to honor her life, beauty, and passion for dancing and singing.
Two of her friends on the GoFundMe page wrote:
"Kagney was kind. Kagney was generous. As cold as the world could be, Kagney brought with her a light."
Donors shared their sentiments on the page, one wrote:
“Kagney was magnetic and a ray of sunshine in every room. She walked into. For energy, her smile will be truly missed.”
The page also acknowledges the inner struggles Linn Karter faced despite her many accomplishments and talents. It reads:
"Despite all of her many impressive accomplishments and talents, Kagney struggled with mental health issues as the years passed by."
Anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts can dial the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention hotline at 988 or go to