New lingo and TikTok definitely go hand in hand. If you are active on the platform, you might have come across slang /HJ and /J. If you are not from Gen Z, this acronym might have left you bewildered and in thought as to what it means.
Basically, this millennial abbreviation can be decoded as /J meaning “Joking,” and /HJ as “Half-Joking.” Users generally use the shorthand so that people can know that they are being sarcastic or that things are not serious. Essentially, it’s just a way of indicating tone through online interactions.
Decoding abbreviations that are used on TikTok
It becomes extremely difficult for people to catch the tone of a conversation when it takes place through the digital medium. This has become a bigger problem now since everything is written and unspoken. Therefore, using terms like /HJ and /J on TikTok help the creator’s audience to understand their subliminal tone much better.
Tone indicators are acronyms or letters placed next to a forward class, and are used at the end of the sentence to clarify the intention of the creator or the commentor.
Much like “JK” stands for “Just Joking,” abbreviations like /HJ and /J can be used to show that you are acknowledging something in a light-hearted way and don't wish to offend someone. Gen Z and TikTokers generally use this term at the end of their comments, or in a video's caption.
By using such terms, not only do they save time and effort, but it also ensures that their intention makes its way across clearly, reducing the chances of misunderstandings.
Since “/HJ” stands for “Half Joking,” it is usually used to indicate that while a certain statement is mostly a joke, there is still a bit of truth to it. Hence, it is used as a tone indicator. A good example can be:
AnApart from /J and /HJ, there are many other tone indicators, some of them being:
/S = Sarcastic
/SRS = Serious
/P = Platonic
/R = Romantic
/L or /LY = Lyrics
/T = Teasing
/NM = Not actually mad or upset
/NC or /NEG = Negative Connotation
/P or /POS = Positive Connotation
/LH= Lighthearted
/NBH= Nobody here
/M = Metaphorically
/LI= Literally
/IJ= Inside Joke
/RH or /RT= Rhetorical Question
/GEN= Genuine Question
/HYP= Hyperbole
/C = Copypasta
/SX or /X= Sexual intent
/NSX or /NX= Non-sexual intent
/TH= Threat
/CB= Clickbait
/F= Fake
/G - Genuine
Leaving a bunch of netizens confused, one Twitter user tweeted:
While these abbreviations can be fun to use, these can also leave TikTok users perplexed, as there are just too many to register. From Banger, which means Awesome, to Big Yikes, which means Bummer, there are a ton of short forms used in this day and age which an avid TikToker needs to know to keep in touch with the content.