Josiah Ernesto Garcia was arrested and charged on April 13, 2023, for applying to be a hitman on a parody website. The 21-year-old Tennessee Air National Guardsman used interstate facilities in the murder-for-hire commission on the fake hitman website "" He reportedly began looking for mercenary contract jobs in mid-February as he needed money to help his family.
According to the US Attorney's Office Middle District of Tennessee, that was when he found the website.
A press release from the US Attorney’s Office Middle District of Tennessee also mentioned that Josiah Ernesto Garcia submitted a resume. It reportedly showed him to be an expert marksman who had been a part of the Air National Guard since July 2021.
Josiah Ernesto Garcia agreed to kill an individual for $5,000
The New York Post reported that on February 16, 2023, Josiah first made contact with the website. He filed an employment inquiry form suggesting his interest in "obtaining employment" as a hitman. The US Attorney's Office Middle District of Tennessee's statement said that following the initial request, Josiah Ernesto Garcia provided the website with more identification documents.
As mentioned earlier, this included a resume that claimed that the Air National Guardsman was an accomplished marksman.
According to his resume, Josiah acquired the nickname "Reaper" based on his military experience and marksmanship. Josiah maintained contact with the website administrator, expressing his desire to work.
The US Attorney's Office Middle District of Tennessee reported that following Josiah's application, an undercover FBI agent contacted him. After this, Josiah agreed to kill an individual for $5000.
Josiah met the undercover agent on April 12, 2023, at a park in Hendersonville, Tennessee. He was given information about the fictional target, including photographs and other details, along with a half payout of $2,500.
Josiah asked the agent whether he needed to provide a photo of the deceased's body after consenting to the terms of the murder agreement. Josiah Ernesto Garcia was later apprehended by FBI agents, who found an AR-style rifle during a subsequent search of his residence.
Josiah Ernesto Garcia can face up to 10 years in prison
The New York Post reported that during the initial days of Josiah's follow-up on the website, he submitted his Tennessee driver’s license, a headshot, and a resume.
A report from The New York Post mentions that as per the criminal complaint, Josiah sent a follow-up email as well. In the email, he wrote that he was looking for a well-paying job that is related to his military experience so he can support his unborn child.
The US Attorney’s Office Middle District of Tennessee said that the website was built in 2005 to promote a cyber security startup company. The company was unsuccessful, and the website got numerous queries regarding murder-for-hire services over the next decade.
The administrator of the website subsequently transformed it into a parody site with fake testimonials from individuals who claimed to have used hitman services. It also has an intake form where anyone can seek services. People can even apply to work as hired killers on the website.
The case is being investigated by the FBI, and Assistant US Attorney Brooke K. Schiferle is prosecuting the case. The US Attorney's Office Middle District of Tennessee stated that the charge is merely an accusation right now. However, if convicted, Josiah Ernesto Garcia can be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.