Matters escalated between Detroit, Michigan, residents Kayla Kreme and Mya after the former allegedly placed her phone against the latter’s late father’s urn during a New Year’s Eve party. The former has since stolen the urn and is reportedly selling it online. Mya has since taken to social media to claim that she was upset over Kayla “disrespecting” her late father.
Facebook user Te-Erika Patterson explained in a video that Kayla Kreme was live-streaming herself dancing at the New Year’s Eve party hosted at Mya’s residence. At one instance, Kayla placed her phone against the aforementioned urn, which prompted Mya to approach her and request that she keep her phone someplace else.
In the video evidence shown in Patterson’s video, Kreme can be seen taking her phone away and seemingly obeying the host. However, moments later Mya can be seen approaching her, and the duo getting into a heated argument.
Since then, videos showing Kayla Kreme in front of Mya’s residence urging somebody to steal the urn have circulated online. In the same, Kreme can be heard shouting, “Get that dead n***a!”
“You were running your mf mouth”: Mya takes to Facebook to address Kayla Kreme
As per a screenshot of Mya commenting at Kreme at some point during their feud, the former can be seen telling the latter:
“You was running your mf mouth that’s what happened then you being disrespectful propping your phone up on our daddy memorial shi after we asked you to move it you didn’t want to you said you didn’t have to do sh*t mfs kept asking who you was talking to and you steady talking about you.”
As per The Neighborhood Talk, Kayla Kreme asked Mya to come to Fitzgerald Park after the intense New Year’s Eve party. Once the latter did not show up at the location, Kayla made her way to Mya’s residence to steal the urn.
The gossip blog also reported that Mya struck back at Kayla by vandalizing Kayla’s former residence, where Mya believed she currently resided. The current residents of the house also reportedly called the “retaliation” “lame.”
Meanwhile, Te-Erika Patterson took to Facebook to allege that the ashes were likely on sale for $50 on Facebook. However, the same has not been confirmed by official sources.
The duel between the two parties had fizzled out at the time of writing this article. It remains unclear as to whether any of those involved will be facing any criminal charges.
Prior to New Year’s Eve parties taking over the world, the Michigan State Police urged Detroit residents to have a plan before heading out for celebrations. Several organizations, like the Mike Morse Law Firm and the Tow to Go program, offered residents free rides home on New Year’s Eve.
American Addiction Centers’ spokesperson Adrienne Woodland also told CBS News Detroit:
“Have your designated driver or plan for a ride share to get you safely home, particularly if you plan to drink alcohol or take other impairing substances.”
Netizens now await an update on the Kayla and Mya drama.