Around the world, fans of marijuana are celebrating Weed Day, aka 420, today on April 20. April is the fourth month of the year, which explains why the day was given this specific name. Festivities will be held around the world to celebrate the drug and protest its illegality.
On this day, major rallies occur across the States, especially in Colorado and California. The consumption of marijuana is legalized in 15 other states of America.
The real story of why Weed Day is celebrated on this particular day remains a mystery. The most popular reason seems to be that it was started as a tradition by a group of San Rafael High School students in the 1970s. The group reportedly smoked marijuana every day at 4.20 pm. News of the tradition went on to spread globally and it became a well-known code for marijuana usage.
The time went on to be converted into April 20 or 4/20 for calendar purposes and the day went on to be celebrated worldwide.
Other origin stories for 420 explored

Aside from the origin story mentioned above, it is also believed that 420 was the California police code for marijuana, but no evidence has been brought forward to support these claims.
Another story originated from the 1939 short story In The Walls of Eryx, written by HP Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling. In the fiction piece, the author describes “curious mirage plants” which seem to be similar to marijuana. According to the story, it made the narrator feel high, which happened at 4.20, according to his watch.
How is Weed Day being celebrated this year?
This year, 420 will be celebrated differently across the world as certain countries remain under lockdown due to the covid outbreak. Yahoo Sports reported that large-scale events, where people meet to smoke the substance on this day, have been canceled.
However, 420 is expected to be celebrated in full swing this year at Hyde Park in London. Hundreds of marijuana consumers meet up at the venue every year to celebrate the substance’s consumption and to protest against UK’s weed laws. Cannabis is currently illegal for recreational purposes in the UK. Those who use the substance could end up spending five years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both.
Those who supply the drug can be imprisoned for up to 14 years and pay a hefty fine, or both.