Rock Island resident Sushi Staples was taken into custody on Wednesday, July 26, after the remains of her 10-year-old son was reportedly found inside a trash can in her garage. The discovery was made after a neighbor got suspicious of Sushi's strange comments about her son.
Sushi Staples currently faces multiple charges, including including concealment of a death and obstruction of justice. The victim has been identified as 10-year-old Zion Staples, who reportedly died back in December 2022.
When asked about Sushi Staples and her family, neighbors said that they were a regular Christian family. The neighbors also revealed that they never saw any signs of a possible crime of this kind in that household.
37-year-old Sushi Staples allegedly left her dead son's remains in a garbage can for about eight months
On July 25, 2023, authorities made a horrific discovery at a house in 1700 block of 20½ Avenue, where they recovered the dead body of a 10-year-old boy, identified as Zion Staples, in a garbage can that was placed in the garage.
Just a few hours after the discovery, on July 26, cops arrested the victim's mother, Sushi Staples, for concealing the child's death. The arrest happened after a neighbor, who chose to stay anonymous, tipped the cops and requested a welfare check. The neighbor claimed that Sushi made some strange comments about Zion to her. She allegedly said:
"Christmases would never be the same."
After feeling that something was off, the neighbor reached out to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services to conduct a welfare check at Sushi Staples' house. Authorities ended up discovering the human remains in the garbage can during the welfare check.
She has reportedly been charged with obstructing justice, failure to report the death of a child under 13, and concealment of death. An autopsy has been conducted, whose details are yet to be revealed. However, investigating officers have mentioned that there are some supicious elements that have been discovered.
Neighbors claimed that the discovery was shocking, and the family looked quite happy
It has been confirmed that nobody has been charged with the death of 10-year-old Zion Staples as of now, but authorities are trying to uncover further details about it. The suspect's next court appearance has been scheduled for August 15, 2023.
Local residents spoke about Sushi Staples and her family and mentioned that there was nothing unusual about them. Neighbors Danielle and Andre Builta, who had just shifted in the area, revealed they looked like a happy family. The Builtas additionally said:
"We saw that, we saw two girls. You know, coming sometimes, like out in the yard. I saw them drawing with chalk in the back driveway. And with scooters out front of the garage, everything seemed really normal. They would wave when they saw us. And so we were like, Oh, they seem pretty friendly. Actually, for neighbors."
They further said that the discovery at Sushi Staples' as shocking and they could never expect it happen in the garage that was just 30 feet away from their residence.