A woman went viral on TikTok on Friday, July 14, 2023, for a video where she claimed that she suffers from "time blindness." It is a condition where an individual is unable to measure time accurately and ends up losing track of time. This condition is usually seen in people who have neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Failing to manage time is a common symptom across the spectrum of ADHD-affected individuals. One may struggle to plan things in advance because it may be difficult for them to imagine or plan far into the future.
TikTok user @chaotic_philosopher aka Sarah Trefren took to the platform on Friday and shared with near-teary eyes that she was yelled at for asking a "reasonable" question. She continued that she was applying to go somewhere and she inquired if there are any accommodations for people who struggle with time blindness or with being on time.
Sarah said that the person she was with, started yelling at her and told her that such accommodations do not exist. They also told her that if she struggles to be on time, she would never be able to get a job.
TikToker suffering from time blindness sparks online debate
Sarah Trefren's TikTok video was reposted on Twitter by far-right and anti-woke handle Libs of TikTok. The young woman was mocked for her demand that employers should be considerate toward employees who struggle to be on time.
A few others left advice for the TikToker saying that they suffer from the same problem as well. However, they said that they have learned to alert themselves about time through alarm clocks, reminders, Pomodoro, etc.
However, there were a lot of other people who didn't agree with this and called Sarah out for her video and wondered if her parents didn't teach her "the importance of time."
TikToker lashes out on workplace culture cutting off people with time blindness
Sarah Trefren, who suffers from time blindness, captioned her video on TikTok:
“I'm tired of workers' rights not being prioritized in this country. And we're entitled for suggesting it should be different... I don't think so.”
She went on to blast at the person who yelled at her about never getting a job due to her not being on time. Sarah said that the person told her that her "stupid generation" wanted to destroy the workplace.
The TikToker sarcastically admitted that her generation does want to change the workplace culture, blaming it for cutting off workers just because they face difficulties with being on time. She argued that there are other solutions one can adhere to for avoiding this issue.
Sarah further opined that the culture where someone thinks it's okay to treat people for being late needs to be dismantled. She continued that she asked the person who yelled at her how come they feel good about themselves after upholding this system.
The young woman then concluded the video by suggesting that it was ironic how people think of her as being entitled. Sarah Trefren said that when people think it is okay to treat others like this, that is when it is called entitlement.
While some believe that Sarah Trefren has a valid point, others think that there are multiple ways and methods one can resort to in order to effectively manage time.
Many even derided the TikTok creator for her claim that the system of employers demanding or expecting punctuality from employees should be changed. They argued that if several people working at a workplace suffer from time blindness and use it as a free pass to come late to work, the business will face a downfall.