The party game company Cards Against Humanity is in the news for a post they shared on X, formerly Twitter, on Friday, November 24, 2023. In their tweet, they said that they have launched a new platform called "Yowza." In the post, the card game company said that their platform Yowza will be "guaranteed to be free of misinformation, hate speech, and bad vibes of any kind."
The card game brand launched its platform on Black Friday and it is worth noting that this was yet another prank by Cards Against Humanity. In the post on social media, the brand went on to say that it was Black Friday and that social media was "tearing us apart."
"Lies. Hate. Crypto enthusiasts. You deserve something better," the post went on to say.
While speaking with Ad Age, a Cards Against Humanity spokesperson said that they were tired of Elon Musk's antics. They added that it was because of that he deserved satire like their platform. The company's spokesperson said that while there were bad things happening in the world, social media was "always right there, making it worse."
"We’ve been watching Elon Musk transform into a parody of himself with his increasingly bizarre and asinine decisions with Twitter. We’ve seen an indistinguishable morass of alternatives trying to be the ‘Twitter killer,’ only to be met with confusion and apathy," the spokesperson added.
The spokesperson explained what Yowza is and said that it is a platform to solve content moderation and therefore, it doesn't have any content in it.
Cards Against Humanity explained that Yowza means nothing and is a dig at all social media platforms
The representative of Cards Against Humanity said that Yowza means absolutely nothing calling the name dumb, ridiculous, and perfect.
"Instagram gives your children body dysmorphia, TikTok shares your data with the Chinese Communist Party and X has become a safe space for Nazis and crypto enthusiasts. There’s got to be a better way," the representative said.
The spokesperson also noted that they were looking for billions of users and weren't afraid to pay people to make that happen.
It is worth noting that Cards Against Humanity has done such satirical things on Black Friday for a long time now. Over the years, on Black Friday, they have sold real poop from bulls, dug a big hole for fun, started a chip company, and sold $20 bills and a car at 99% off.
All this was a satire by the company on how much people buy stuff—especially on the Black Friday Sale. The company spokesperson called Black Friday a special day for them. They went on to say that although every other company is focused on selling people "garbage they don't need," Cards Against Humanity focuses on using their "entire marketing budget into making people laugh."
"For the first several years, we focused on poking fun at Black Friday as taking a dig at consumerism immediately following a holiday about being thankful for what you have. The 99% off sale was the logical extreme of that," the rep said.
The card game company said that they do it for fun and they will keep entertaining people by taking a dig as long as they are able to do it.