K-pop soloists Jeon Somi and HyunA took over the internet on Tuesday, August 8, as the latter made an Instagram post of the two kissing in a friendly manner. On the same day, Jeon Somi held a party inviting all her friends in order to celebrate her recent comeback, Game Plan. Congratulating her on the same, HyunA created an Instagram post that surprisingly showcased the two going in for a kiss.
As the video reached the internet, fans were thrown into a frenzy as it came across completely unexpected content. However, given the long history of friendship that Jeon Somi and HyunA have showcased throughout their years in the music industry, fans got the hint that it was a friendly kiss. Regardless, fans couldn't get over how close and comfortable they've grown to be around each other.
"GETTING SHY": Jeon Somi and HyunA surprise fans with their unexpected kissing video uploaded on Instagram
On Monday, August 8, Jeon Somi rolled out her EP album, Game Plan, which consists of five exciting tracks namely, Gold Gold Gold, Fast Forward, Fxxed Up, The Way, and Pisces. As fans listened to it enthusiastically, they were all the more thrilled to learn that there was a celebratory party held by the K-pop soloist with all her celebrity friends.
Naturally, HyunA, who the idol shares a long and close bond with, was also invited. Though much content from the album's launch party was not uploaded on the internet for safety purposes, fans are sure it was grand and thrilling. However, the minimal content that they received from the party, of Jeon Somi and HyunA kissing, already has fans dropping their jaws.
As soon as the video reached the internet through HyunA's Instagram post, fans went feral about it and Twitter was flooded with reactions to the same. Soon enough, the names of both the K-pop soloists, Jeon Somi and HyunA, ended up trending on Twitter, alluding to how much fans loved and interacted with the video.
Jeon Somi and HyunA also seem to have a lot more in store for their fans. The several spoilers that the two have been dropping here and there inevitably led to people believing in an upcoming collaboration between them. On August 5, HyunA made an Instagram post of the two in what looks like a filming studio, which further cemented the collaboration rumors.
Moreover, Jeon Somi, too, posted on her Bubble account, the fan-artist communication platform, that she met with HyunA soon but the reason has to be kept a secret:
"I went with HyunA today but I'm going out today too. What could I be doing?~ I'm curious, but I can't tell you. I can't speak. Still hot. Secret Jouju."
However, more excitingly, in the same post Somi and HyunA revealed they got matching tattoos of an image of a gun, which made many fans sob at their adorable and precious relationship.
As fans continue to be in shock at the kissing video of the two, they also simultaneously support and look forward to the possible collaboration between the two.