Former Jackass star Bam Margera was reported missing again on Sunday, June 4. His brother Jess revealed the same in a tweet and requested everyone to call the authorities if they knew his whereabouts. Jess requested his followers to retweet his post, which will help in finding Bam sooner. He wrote:
"I am trying to get them to ping his phone but as usual it's a whole huge process and I don't think we have that kind of time."
The news came after Bam Margera shared a few posts on social media, saying that he would "smoke crack" until he dies since he has not seen his son Phoenix for around two months. According to Page Six, Bam's attorney, Peter Thompson, was in touch with him on Saturday, and Margera had possibly gone to meet his son in Los Angeles.
On Monday, June 5, Jess gave an update revealing that Bam had been found. He tweeted:
"They found him safe. He texted me and my parents at 6 am this morning saying he loves us he loves Phoenix and he is "at peace" and he took enough pills to stop his heart. And some really heartbreaking dark sh*t. Thanks to everyone who shared info today."
Bam Margera was disturbed for not being able to see his son for two months
On Thursday, June 1, Bam Margera shared in a now-deleted social media post that he had not seen his son Phoenix for around two months. Margera claimed that his former wife, Nicole Boyd, had restricted the contact between him and Phoenix, and he also blamed his father for being responsible for his drunken state.
In the clip, Margera said his father called him a "f**king fat loser piece of sh*t drug addict." He continued:
"I'm going to smoke crack with the bums down at the f*cking boardwalk until I'm dead unless you deliver me f*cking Phoenix. Get to work Nikki, or anyone that wants to help. I want Phoenix."
According to his attorney, David Glass, Margera and Phoenix last met on March 29, 2023, in California, and Margera was not allowed to contact his son through any medium. Glass told TMZ that it is important for Margera to become sober for the welfare of himself and his son. Glass also mentioned:
"Unfortunately, that's not how the addictions work. People's behavior does not drive others to drink. This is a typical defense mechanism, and it shows that Bam may not have learned much in his past addiction's treatment."
Bam Margera and Nicole Boyd separated in 2021
Bam Margera and Nicole Boyd tied the knot in October 2013, and they were expecting their first child, Phoenix, in 2017.
Since 2021, Margera and Boyd have been staying separately, and in February 2023, the latter applied for legal separation and spousal support. Apart from the irreconcilable differences, the reason behind the divorce has been Margera's inappropriate behavior while he was with Phoenix.
According to the court documents, Nicole is looking for physical and legal custody, and Margera can visit his son while the two of them are in Los Angeles.