Leah Smith, who gained recognition for her TikTok videos, unexpectedly passed away at 22. She was battling bone cancer, also known as Ewing's Sarcoma, since 2019, which led to her demise, as per Liverpool Echo. Smith disclosed her diagnosis the following year and had to bear severe back pain for around ten months.
The Sun states that Leah was from Woolton, Liverpool, and gained recognition for posting updates related to her cancer diagnosis on her TikTok page.
Smith's death was confirmed by her boyfriend Andrew in a TikTok video where he disclosed that she died on March 11, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. and thanked everyone for their support. Andrew further stated that he wanted everyone to remember Leah and the help she offered to everyone. He continued:
"All your comments did help – she did actually read all of them. Anyone who said anything nice ever – it means more than you realize. We'll all miss Leah but we'll make sure that we never forget her."
As per the Mayo Clinic, Ewing's Sarcoma is common among children and young adults. The cancer starts with the growth of cells and soft tissue in the bones and usually affects the legs and pelvis.
Leah Smith shared a lot of videos related to her cancer battle: Career and other details
According to Famous Birthdays, Leah Smith accumulated 130,000 followers on her official TikTok page. Detailed information on her early life and career remains unknown. As mentioned earlier, she was struggling with Ewing's Sarcoma for five years.
Leah Smith's cancer diagnosis was revealed in 2020, and in an interview with Liverpool Echo, she said that she decided to go for a checkup when she could not feel anything on her leg. She discovered a few days later that she had cancer.
Smith began undergoing treatment for her cancer and was scared that she might die. Saying that she felt alone, she added:
"The diagnosis changed my life a lot. I had to drop out of college and I struggle to see my friends as I'm very tired all the time. My family have struggled a lot they are heartbroken."
She even disclosed that she launched her TikTok page to share her journey with everyone so they can learn something from it. Despite being in a hospital bed, she used to dance and lip-sync in her videos, which received millions of views.
Apart from TikTok, Leah was active on Instagram with around 199,000 followers. The bio revealed that her cancer was in the fourth stage, and the last post was shared a long time back, on December 25, 2023.
As of this writing, no information is available on Leah Smith's survivors.