A Florida middle school teacher named Angel Drew Footman, 23 has been taken into custody for arranging fights and letting the students get into brawls in the classroom. Footman has been teaching at Tallahassee’s Griffin Middle School and was charged with contributing to the “delinquency of a minor.”
On March 24, school authorities received alerts that students were allowed into brawls in Angel Drew Footman’s classroom. Fights that have taken place on March 22, 2023, and March 23, 2023, had been seen on several videos.
Several students admitted to getting into these “arranged fights.” However, Angel Drew Footman denied the claims and stated that she had no involvement in organizing the brawls. Her arraignment has been scheduled for May 4, 2023.
Griffin Middle School teacher Angel Drew Footman claimed that she did not organize such “arranged fights” in her classroom
As mentioned earlier, the School Resource Deputy was notified on March 24, that a 23-year-old teacher named Angel Drew Footman has been organizing fights in her classroom.
School authorities were shown several videos capturing some of the fights as well. Several sixth-grade girls told investigating officers that they often took part in planned fights, and were often called for additional brawls during school hours.
They further stated that Footman made several statements like:
“30 seconds, no screaming, no yelling, no phones.”
The same was also heard in one of the video footage. Detectives looked into the videos capturing the fights and stated that Footman did not intervene or try to stop the altercations, instead, she was seen sitting at her desk and often made comments like asking students not to pull each other’s hair.
It was further discovered that the 23-year-old teacher never reported any of the fights to the school authorities. Deputies spoke about the videos and said:
“In the videos, Footman was observed standing nearby or sitting at a desk while the students engaged in these physical altercations.”
The Leon County Sheriff’s Office appreciated the parents for taking immediate action and reporting the videos to the school authorities
According to an affidavit, the girls were often “called out of other classes to go engage in these fights.” It further stated:
“Footman stated outright that she knows she has poor classroom management skills.”
The affidavit further stated that she did not organize the fights, however, she “helped.” Around six girls were seen paired off and involved in the fights that took place on March 22 and March 23.
Upon being asked about the fights, Footman denied organizing them. She mentioned that she did not take immediate action and did not report the fights to the school authorities as well.
The Leon County Sheriff’s Office released a statement addressing the incident and said:
“LCSO appreciates the diligent parents and others for reporting the videos to administrators.”
Angel Drew Footman currently faces four counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. According to online records, the teacher was booked into the Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office on Friday.
Media outlets are further trying to reach Leon County Schools and Leon County Sheriff’s Office to unearth additional information regarding the incident