Audrey Chawner, a former reality television star known for her appearances on shows such as The Jeremy Kyle Show and Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge, has passed away at 73. Her daughter, Emma, who also participated in The X Factor, confirmed the news on social media, revealing that Audrey peacefully died in her sleep.
Audrey Chawner gained recognition for her television appearances, including The Jeremy Kyle Show in 2015, The Chawner's Last Chance, and Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge in 2010. In 2016, she was also featured on Nightmare Neighbours, where the family faced over 500 complaints from their Manchester neighbors. Audrey's passing has prompted an outpouring of condolences and support from fans and followers, with Emma expressing gratitude for the sympathy.
Audrey Chawner's daughter's heartfelt tribute
Emma, Audrey's daughter, took to social media to share the heartbreaking news, posting pictures of her late mother and describing her as a "lovely lady" who enjoyed television, animals, and laughter. In a touching revelation, Emma disclosed her final wish to her mother, connecting the passing of their dog and Audrey within a day of each other. The family, now mourning the loss of both Audrey and their pet dog, faces the financial burden of a funeral, prompting Emma to seek assistance through the GoFundMe platform.
In a poignant moment, Emma shared her mother's favorite TV programs, Emmerdale and EastEnders, emphasizing Audrey's love for animals and laughter.
Audrey Chawner's journey through reality shows
Audrey Chawner's journey in the world of reality TV began in 2007 when Emma faced criticism from Simon Cowell on The X Factor. Despite the initial setbacks, the family found fame on various reality shows, demonstrating resilience in the face of public scrutiny. Audrey's passing marks the end of a chapter for a family in the public eye for its unique journey through reality television.
Emma's appearance on The X Factor in 2007, alongside her sister Sam, initially drew criticism from judge Simon Cowell, who bluntly told them they couldn't sing. Despite the setback, the sisters returned to the show and later gained recognition as "The Teletubbies." Emma's subsequent appearance on Lorraine's ITV program showcased her inspiring 13-stone weight loss, highlighting her dedication to a healthier lifestyle.
The family's journey also continued with appearances on The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door in 2014 and Daybreak in 2013, reflecting the highs and lows of their reality TV experience.
Emma, faced with the emotional toll of losing her mother and the financial burden of arranging the funeral, turned to social media to seek support. The GoFundMe page she set up aims to gather contributions to ensure Audrey receives a dignified farewell. Expressing the difficulty of covering the costs alone, Emma expressed gratitude for any amount, acknowledging the challenges of bidding farewell to a loved one.
As condolences pour in from fans and well-wishers, Audrey Chawner's passing reminds of the profound impact reality TV can have on individuals and families. In the face of public scrutiny, the Chawner family navigated both triumphs and tribulations, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of reality television.
In this time of mourning, Emma and her family find solace in the memories of Audrey's life, hoping to provide her with a fitting farewell through the generosity and support of those who followed their reality TV journey over the years.