An incident involving a 25-year-old resident from Plano, identified as Barry Young, recently came to light. He sparked outrage online for allegedly engaging in antisemitic activities. Young, a graduate of Texas State University, was reportedly seen holding antisemitic signage and wearing a Swastika armband while standing outside a synagogue.
According to StopAntisemites on Twitter, the individual is reportedly associated with the Goyim Defense League (GDL) and operates on the social media platform GAB under the name 'Baby Face.'
Trigger Warning: The following article contains mentions of antisemitism. Readers' discretion is advised.
Barry Young's LinkedIn bio reads "Salesperson at Sherwin Williams" and his professional background also includes an internship at the political consulting firm Macias Strategies, where he was involved in organizing, fact-checking, and editing web pages. He also collected information using internet databases and interacted with clients and volunteers.
A picture of him wearing the Swastika armband is now doing the rounds on the internet and it has left many social media users outraged. It is also worth noting that this adds to the growing concern about a surge in antisemitic activities globally.
Earlier, on October 8, Barry Young was allegedly spotted standing alongside neo-Nazi Ronald Murray outside the Cathedral of Hope. He was reportedly seen throwing up a Hitler salute while holding up antisemitic imagery, as per @StopAntisemites on X.
"Disgusting individual" - Social media users react to picture of Barry Young wearing a Swastika band
Several social media users took to the comments section of @StopAntisemites' Twitter post and called Young "disgusting." People also tagged Sherwin Williams, where he allegedly works, as per his LinkedIn account, as they reacted to the viral image.
It is worth noting that there has been a surge in cases of antisemitism. The recent increase has been noted in schools and universities in the United States and Canada as well.
In the United States, there has been a 400% increase in such incidents since the October 7 Israel-Palestine conflict began, according to the Anti-Defamation League. France has reportedly witnessed 1,040 incidents of alleged antisemitism since October 7, prompting Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin to express alarm over the sharp rise. Meanwhile, the UK has reported a 324% increase in hate crimes against Jews.
The growing threats and violence have become a cause for concern, prompting the Israeli government to offer advice to its citizens. They advised individuals not to travel abroad, or to avoid displaying Israeli and Jewish symbols outwardly, while doing so, as per the Jewish Chronicle.