The world of academia is currently mourning the death of Charles Ogletree, a prominent Harvard Law Professor and renowned civil rights scholar. He passed away at the age of 70 on Friday, August 4, 2023, after a prolonged battle with Alzheimer's. Charles Ogletree's career was marked by groundbreaking contributions to civil rights and education.
Charles Ogletree is survived by his wife, Pamela Barnes, and his two children: a daughter, Maya, and a son, Marcus.
The Harvard Law Professor and civil rights advocate passed away peacefully at his residence in Odenton, Maryland, surrounded by his loving family. This was confirmed in a statement released by his family, as per CBS News.
In 2016, Ogletree disclosed that he was living with Alzheimer's, a challenging illness that affects memory and cognition. Despite the difficulties, he continued to inspire and educate individuals until he retired from Harvard Law School in 2020.
Charles Ogletree got married to Pamela Barnes in 1975 and they had two children together
Professor Ogletree and Pamela Barnes were both graduates of Stanford. They met when they were pursuing their graduation from the institute. Soon after, they decided to get married and tied the knot in 1975. They were soon blessed with two children, Charles Ogletree III, and Rashida Ogletree. Charles Ogletree was also a grandfather to his granddaughters Marquelle, Nia Mae, Jamila Ogletree, and Makayla George.
Dean John F. shared the news about Ogletree's death with the Harvard Law School community on Friday. He emphasized that Ogletree's impact on the institution was truly monumental. He hailed him for his work as a lawyer, civil rights scholar, and more as he mentioned that he played an important role in establishing Harvard Law School as an influential institution.
Charles Ogletree represented Anita Hill, Tupac, and others during his career
Charles stood as Anita Hill's legal representative when she accused Clarence Thomas of s*xual harassment during his Senate confirmation hearings in 1991. He also served as the defense lawyer for the late rapper Tupac Shakur and worked on his criminal and civil cases.
Additionally, Ogletree fought to seek reparations for the survivors of the 1921 white supremacist massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma. However, he did not succeed.
As per Harvard’s website, Ogletree made significant contributions to literature on race and justice, authoring several important books on the subject. His latest book was titled Life without Parole: America's New Death Penalty? The book delved into the pressing issues surrounding life sentences without the possibility of parole in the American justice system. He wrote it in collaboration with Professor Austin Sarat from Amherst College.