Popular internet personality Lil Tay recently shocked the masses when she accused her father, Christopher Hope, of faking her death and allegedly being abusive with her. All of the fiasco took place on Saturday, September 30, 2023, when the Canada-based social media star hopped on to an Instagram Live session and addressed all of the rumours, as she has not posted any videos or pictures of herself since 2018.
She started the video by holding a piece of paper in her hand, which said “Why I have been gone,” and then started explaining the story. She spoke about her father, and claimed that he declared her dead in front of the world so that he could gain monetary profit from it by taking all of her money. In the Live session, she revealed the details about Christopher Hope and said:
"Chris Hope was the one who did the death hoax. Meanwhile, he was working with this other con artist that was claiming to be my manager and they had a crypto coin together. Their plan was to fake my death and then promote the crypto coin. Which, by the way, the manager admitted to. He said he'd been working on the crypto coin for months. These people are frauds."
Lil Tay rose to fame in 2018, before she abruptly stopped posting after June 19, 2018. A social media post was then made from her account on August 10 claiming that she had passed away. This bewildered many fans and followers. However, the social media star then hopped on to the platform on September 28, 2023, and stated that she is not dead, and now handles the account by herself.
Christopher Hope is reportedly a lawyer based in Vancouver, Canada. As per Pink Villa, he is affiliated to a firm in the city, and is also a member of the tribunal of the property assessment appeal board.
Christopher Hope, a member of the Vancouver Bar Association, fought a legal battle against his wife
While many websites state that Hope is a lawyer, his own daughter, Lil Tay denied the claims and stated how he works with con artists. Meanwhile, Pink Villa claims that he is a member at large on the executive committee of the Vancouver Bar Association. Furthermore, Hope was also fighting a legal battle against his wife for the custody of their child, Lil Tay.
Lil Tay also talked about a court case and stated how Christopher Hope had filed a lawsuit so that he could “silence” Lil Tay and her mother. However, she concluded by saying how her mother gave up all her savings to fight the case, but Lil Tay and her mother ultimately won. She stated that her father, Chris Hope now owed her $275,000 in child support.
She also claimed that Christopher Hope used to bring “random women” to the house, and also showed a few images of one of his partners. She even claimed that Hope is involved with a woman called Hanee Hope, who she claims is a “scammer.”
In addition, she also talked about her mom and said that Chris had abused her all her life.
However, with the announcement of her being alive, Lil Tay also released the music video for her new song, Sucker 4 Green. The music video shows her by the pool, in a luxurious car, and in some parts, Tay’s mother and brother can also be seen.
As she finally revealed the reality and released her new track, social media users have been showering their support for the new song. Furthermore, many have also been bashing the father, Christopher Hope.