Damian Conti, a 35-year-old high school teacher at Florida’s SouthTech Academy, was arrested earlier this week, for having s*xual relationship with a minor. Conti, who teaches English in the charter school in Boynton Beach, is currently facing six felony counts for having an improper relationship with a student and engaging in unlawful s*xual activity with them.
Court records show Conti confessed to Palm Beach County deputies of having a relationship with a 16-year-old student. He was arrested later in Lake Worth and was booked into Palm Beach County Jail on Tuesday, February 6.
As per a redacted arrest document by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, there was enough evidence working against Conti that led law enforcement to charge him with the offenses — s*xual battery of a minor victim, authority figure solicit, and engaging in a romantic relationship with a student.
On Wednesday morning, Eileen Turenne, the principal of SouthTech Academy, released a statement concerning Damian Conti's arrest:
“SouthTech is cooperating with law enforcement, as an investigation is ongoing. Beyond that, the SouthTech has no comment at this time.”
Conti's name was removed from the institution's website after the statement was issued by the principal.
Damian Conti was suspended from work before his arrest
Damian Conti’s arrest report noted that a Palm Beach County detective responded to a report of a possible improper s*xual activity with a minor Tuesday afternoon. Upon arriving at a Burger King outlet, located at 6400 Block, Lantana Road, a girl told the deputy she was in an “inappropriate relationship” with her teacher, Conti. She reportedly did not want Conti, her teacher, to get in trouble for what transpired between them.
Two PBSU detectives then reached out to Conti, who is said to have been suspended from work earlier. The 35-year-old identified himself as the teen’s “English teacher”.
The heavily redacted arrest report revealed the pair used to communicate via text messages and Instagram. They also spoke on the phone. On the staff directory of SouthTech Academy, Conti was registered as a teacher of English language arts.
Lovelie Antoine, a guardian of a student at the high school, referred to the incident:
“I think it’s very morally wrong and disgusting for an adult to be interacting with a child in such a s*xual manner.”
Another parent, Bianca DeLoach, whose daughter goes to SouthTech Academy, called the ordeal "disheartening", "horrifying", and "shameful". Michell Papayani, a third parent said:
“My thought is it’s horrible. I mean, you can’t trust the teachers, you can’t trust anybody.”
As Damian Conti appeared in court on Wednesday, February 7, a judge set his bond at $300,000. He was ordered to have no contact with the academy, the alleged victim and her family, or any other minor.