Lionsgate recently announced that an animated Twilight series is in the making, which will be released next year, in 2025. While speaking at a media conference on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the platform’s vice chairman, Michael Burns, announced that the Twilight animated series is at an early stage of production at the moment.
“We’re going to go out with the ‘Twilight’ series, an animated series, I think there’ll be a lot of interest in that.”
While the Twilight movies had a huge impact on the box office due to immense success, the announcement of the animated series did not seem to excite netizens enough, as many were displeased after Burns made the official announcement. One social media user also expressed their wonder, asking, "who even is the target audience for this"
As per Variety, the animated series will be based on the original saga, which was already adapted as a film in 2008, and released multiple sequels every year till 2012.
Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner in lead roles, among other notable actors, the franchise's Twilight Saga: New Moon released in 2009, while Eclipse released in 2010, and Breaking Dawn 1 and 2 released in 2011 and 2012, respectively.
Social media users bash Twilight makers as Lionsgate announces making of animated series
Apart from announcing the animated series, the creators also revealed that they would be expanding the John Wick franchise, and coming up with a new series for the same as well. The film franchise is much loved by the masses.
However, the recent announcement of the makers coming up with an animated version of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight saga has left netizens bewildered and confused. As @PopBase posted about the same on the platform, many took to the comments section of the post to express their opinions.
While the announcement of the series continues to receive backlash, the makers have not given out much detail about the new animated production. They have also not responded to the comments pouring in from internet users.