Oklahoma police have identified 45-year-old Michael Louis as the primary suspect in the mass shooting at Warren clinic, Tulsa. Authorities claim that as a former patient of the clinic, Michael Louis was specifically targeting Dr. Preston Phillips, a physician who had performed his surgery.
Michael Louis allegedly attacked the clinic as his back pain persisted after the treatment.
According to USA Today, Tulsa police have identified four victims, a receptionist, a patient, and two physicians, including Preston Phillips. As informed by the authority, the suspect died by a self-inflicted gunshot.
All there is to know about Michael Louis
45-year-old Michael Louis, a resident of Muskogee, Oklahoma, was a disgruntled ex-patient of Warren Clinic, which is a part of the St. Francis Health Systems. CNN reported that after the shooting, authorities discovered a letter along with Louis’ body, allegedly outlining his motivations.
The letter states that while his target was Preston, he planned to kill anyone who would appear as an obstacle along the way. The suspect claimed that on May 19 he had gone to Warren Clinic for a surgery to cure his back pain. After being released on 24 May, the pain persisted.
In the days that followed, Michael Louis contacted Dr. Phillips several times about his backpain. On May 31, Phillips provided further treatment, however Louis returned on June 1 with the same complaint.
At a News Conference, city Police Chief Wendell Franklin discussed the discovery of the letter. He said:
“He blamed Dr. Phillips for the ongoing pain following the surgery.”
Franklin added:
“Louis was in pain. Louis expressed that he was in pain and was not getting relief.”
According to the neighbors of Michael Louis, they told the New York Post that the suspect and his family had been innocuous Muskogee residents. She said that Louis, his wife Dr. Edith Lubin, and their daughter were “Church-going religious people” who did not cause any trouble.
She said:
“But I’ve never spoken to them. They’ve been quiet, good neighbors."
The New York Post identified the suspect's wife as being a doctor herself, working as a family physician in Muskogee. However, she has not yet spoken to media.
According to CBS, on the day of the shooting, Michael Louis bought an AR-15 style rifle through what authorities believe to be a legal purchase. He entered the Campus of Francis Health System, where he murdered Dr. Preston Phillips, Dr. Stephanie Husen, receptionist Amanda Glenn and patient William Love.
Police Chief Franklin told media that Love had acted heroically in the shooting, which was a potential reason why he was allegedly killed by Michael Louis.
Chief Franklin said:
“The suspect when he came into the building, into that office complex, he began firing. He began firing at anyone who was in his way. There are reports that one of the victims held a door for someone to allow them to escape out of the back door and was shot and killed.”
He continued:
“The patient victim held a door closed, I believe this is the information I have, to allow someone to escape out of another door.”
The New York Daily reported that the hospital's trauma team attempted to save Love’s life, but failed to do so.
Dr. Phillips' colleagues also mourned his tragic passing. Dr. Cliff Robertson, President and CEO of Saint Francis Health System, explained that he was a well-respected doctor who formerly served as the head physician of Tulsa's WNBA team. Robertson said:
"(Dr. Phillips) was a consummate gentleman... a man we should all strive to emulate."
According to NBC, Tulsa authorities recovered dozens of shell casings at the scene. Deputy Police Chief Eric Dalgleish informed news outlets that the shooting took place almost exclusively on the second floor, where Dr. Preston worked.
In an official statement, St. Francis Hospital offered support to those affected by the shooting. It read:
“Saint Francis Health System is committed to taking care of our own. We are offering services, counseling, pastoral care, pet therapy, EAP services and more to members of our family who need help coping with and processing the tragedies that occurred yesterday.”
It continued:
“We are also committed to supporting the families of our caregivers who were senselessly killed. There has been an outpouring of calls and comments from the community asking how they can offer help to the families of the deceased as well as our employees who are grieving. A fund has been set up with the Tulsa Community Foundation to accept donations to assist with this cause."
According to the Washington Post, 2022 has seen a massive spike in mass shootings across the nation, with 200 attacks this year. It is the 20th mass shooting after last week’s massacre at a Texas elementary school.