K-drama actress Nam Sang-ji took to Instagram on May 10, 2023, to announce that she is set to marry her boyfriend of 13 years. Revealing a set of wedding-themed pictures with her to-be husband Sang-ji stunned her fans with the news. She also wrote a note for her fans through the Instagram post and expressed gratitude towards them. Sang-ji asked her fans to give her and her fiancé their blessings.
Sang-ji is an upcoming and rising actress in the K-drama industry who initially made her debut in 2013. While her filmography is considerably limited, she's put forth quite an impressive front as an actress with a promising future to create intriguing and interesting shows.
Nam Sang-ji announces her upcoming marriage to her boyfriend of thirteen years with an Instagram post
Born on December 14, 1989, the 33-year-old actress began her career in 2013 with the film, Marriage Blue. Nam Sang-ji appeared in several famous K-dramas following her debut. Some of her works include Spirits' Homecoming, The Last Princess, Lucid Dream, The Rebel, Innocent Witness, and Bravo My Life.
The South Korean actress graduated from the reputed Kyonggi University, Department of Acting. Currently housed under the agency, Bingo Ome Entertainment, her acting got her a nomination under several categories. These include Best Actress and Excellence Award, Actress in a Daily Drama at the KBS Drama Awards 2022 for her work in Bravo My Life.
Since it was never revealed to the public that Nam Sang-ji was dating someone, fans were quite surprised at her having a partner. They were shocked when they found out that Sang-ji had been dating her to-be husband since May 14, 2010. After they saw the pictures that the actress posted on Instagram, fans couldn't help but swoon over the to-be-wed couple.
Given that the news was quite shocking to fans, Sang-ji wrote to them through the caption of her Instagram post. She told them the story behind her marriage. After announcing that she would be married on May 14, 2023, she confirmed that the two had been dating since May 14, 2010.
Sang-ji added that the couple would live happily "while weathering the arks of life" and wrote that she asked her fans to give them their blessings. She said that she would greet the fans soon and ended her note by saying that she was "always grateful."
While many expected Nam Sang-ji's partner to be a fellow celebrity, they were quite surprised to know that he isn't. As fans went through the set of images uploaded by Sang-ji, they also loved the new and modern twist to a conventional wedding theme.
With a new beginning soon nearing her life, fans are excited for Nam Sang-ji and her boyfriend and the couple's future. Additionally, fans also hope to see more work from Sang-ji given her diverse and intriguing filmography over the years of her long career.