Indian social media personality Phanumantu is facing legal trouble after making a disturbing joke during one of his livestreams. This comes after actor Sai Dharam Tej flagged his content. Since then, the former has taken to the internet to apologize for his comments.
Trigger Warning: The following article includes explicit content. Reader’s discretion is advised.
In one of Phanumantu’s latest videos, the influencer, along with two other internet personalities, made inappropriate comments about a father-daughter relationship.
The trio did so under the pretense of humor, but it was not taken well by the public. Several netizens tagged the Telangana police department, calling for his arrest.
Telugu actor Sai Dharam Tej also took to X and urged politicians and law enforcement to hold Phanumantu accountable for his explicit comments. The actor said online:
“Beyond gruesome, disgusting, and scary. Monsters like these go unnoticed on the very much utilized social platform, doing child abuse in the disguise of so-called fun and dank. Child safety is the need of the hour.”
For those uninitiated, Phanumantu, whose real name is Praneeth Hanumantu, is an Indian content creator. He amassed a massive following online after many noted that he is also the son of senior bureaucrat and IAS officer H. Arun Kumar.
Phanumantu is best known for critiquing Telugu films online
According to Praneeth Hanumantu's official LinkedIn account, he is a content creator who mostly uploads videos on YouTube. He often goes on livestreams so that he can interact with his followers and also share reaction videos.
The influencer is best known for critiquing Indian films, especially those starring Mahesh Babu.
His LinkedIn account also revealed that he studied law at Symbiosis Law School, Pune.
After Hanumantu’s content raised eyebrows online, the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau registered a First Information Report (FIR). A representative of the bureau, DGP Ravi Gupta, also released a statement on X regarding the matter, stating:
“We are committed to protecting all citizens, especially children. Offenders misusing social media for humor will face justice, and our team is diligently identifying them. Telangana Govt and Police will intensify efforts to raise awareness about Child Safety and responsible social media use.”
It has been reported that this is not the first time the YouTuber has made seemingly lewd comments on his channel. News Meter reported that he had a history of making insensitive comments about those who are differently abled, orphans, and has often objectified women on his channel.
Phanumantu also took to X on July 6, 2024, to apologize for his inappropriate comments. He said:
“Edited out the problematic part from the video. Unconditionally and unambiguously apologetic about the lapse in judgement. As a creator, my attempt is always to put a smile. Unfortunately this time I have crossed the line between what is dark and what is distasteful.”
On July 8, 2024, he also took to his Instagram account to apologize for his remarks.
In another tweet, the YouTuber requested that netizens not “rage” on his family. He said:
“They don’t deserve this. I couldn’t be a best son to them, but they are definitely the best parents a child could have gotten.”
He has not further commented on the matter online.