Popular actor and singer Tyrese Gibson was recently ordered by the court to pay child support of nearly $237,000 to his ex-wife, Samantha Lee Gibson. The entire fiasco happened on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, months after the actor refused to pay $10,000 to his ex, as back in August, when he was asked to pay the child support amount, he claimed that it was excessive.
The judge has also asked Tyrese to pay $399,000 to Samantha’s attorney, making the combined amount close to $640,000.
However, shortly after the hearing, TMZ reported that the actor’s attorney Tanya Mitchell Graham said that her client would be filing an appeal in court for a new trial. Claiming that Tyrese does not have to pay Samantha until May 15, the attorney added that the amount could be reconsidered, given that there is time and the party is filing a plea.
At the same time, TMZ has also stated how the judge acknowledged that the actor has been fulfilling his financial obligations towards his child, albeit not in accordance with the court's ruling. Instead of paying the monthly amount of $10,000 as ordered, he has been paying $2,236.
The outstanding amount of $237,000 is composed of the monthly difference between the court-ordered amount and the actual amount he paid, along with the accumulated interest.
Samantha Lee, Tyrese's ex-wife, is a social worker and married the actor in 2017. However, the couple parted ways in 2020. The couple share a daughter, Soraya Somer Gibson, who was born in October 2018.
All we know about Tyrese’s ex, Samatha Lee
Being a licensed American social worker, Tyrese’s ex was born and brought up in New Jersey. However, she currently resides with her daughter in Georgia.
Born in 1989, Samantha is of African American ethnicity. She completed her Bachelors in Psychology and Masters in Social Work from the University of Georgia.
Furthermore, she has also pursued a professional course at Bartending School of Atlanta, where she mastered the skill of mixology and bartending. Apart from this, she is also a licensed clinical worker, social worker, Bible teacher, and life coach.
Furthermore, as per several reports, she had a successful career as a bartender and social worker and has managed to gather a fortune, making her net worth close to $1 million. As per GHBASE, the How You Gonna Act Like That singer's ex-wife makes about $22,000-$30,000 as a bartender.
Tyrese blasts at Judge Kevin Farmer in a viral video
Soon after the court hearing, Tyrese hopped on to his social media and made several revelations related to his case. He started off by claiming how he tried his best to change the judge. However, he was unsuccessful in doing so.
He also accused judge Kevin Farmer of being racist as the latter had reprimanded the actor publicly during the trial.
He further claimed that the judge threatened to hold him in contempt for misbehavior.
At the moment, the singer and his lawyer are planning to file a plea so that they are not bound to pay the massive amount. It is not clear when the next hearing will be held.
Tyrese Gibson, born in 1978, is known for his work as an actor and singer. He rose to fame after one of the songs from his debut album, Sweet Lady, topped the charts globally. Having won several awards for his work, he is also known for his appearances in movies like Fast & Furious, and Transformers.
Besides Samantha Lee, the actor was also married to Norma Mitchell from 2007 to 2009. The couple share a daughter, who was born in 2007.