After a four-year manhunt, Tyler Adams, a wanted felon who was widely known as the "master of disguise" and is thought to be responsible for his girlfriend's death, has been captured. Tyler Adams, 51, broke out of Oahu Community Correctional Centre while serving a sentence for two felonies related to theft.
According to CBS8, the correctional center staff members were notified when he did not return from a work furlough program. After escaping from state custody in 2019, Adams has been wanted in Hawaii, where he is scheduled to be extradited this week. He was arrested in Newport Beach, California.
A $50,000 warrant for Adams' arrest was issued in late 2020 in connection with a second-degree escape offense.
The FBI claimed that Adams went by several names, including David Smith, Joshua Smith, Brice Johnson, Michael Whittman, David Phillips, Taylor Chase, Lance Irwin, Dominic Braun, Kevin Schoolcraft, Aaron Lee, and Kevin Kennedy.
Tyler Adams used several aliases to escape the police and the FBI

On May 21, 2019, Adams was imprisoned at the Oahu Community Correctional Centre for two crimes related to theft. He later escaped from there.
Adams visited San Diego at the time of his escape and got to know Sabean there. She and her family had believed that his name was Paul Phillips during their time together. The couple's relationship took a bad turn in November 2021 after Sabean gave birth to their child.
Adams and Sabean reportedly crossed the border into Mexico with their 7-month-old daughter. Sabean disappeared, and the daughter was later safely located in Rosarito.
He was last seen entering the country on June 16, 2022, using another name, Aaron Bain, prior to his arrest. According to the FBI, it was the day following his interrogation by Mexican police on Sabean's disappearance.
Sabean was later found dead. Shortly after that, Tyler Adams was accused of her murder. After Racquel, Valentina, Racquel and Adams’ seven-month-old daughter, was placed under protective custody.
On June 17, 2022, the FBI released a statement describing Adams as a "phony" and a "master of disguise" and requesting the public's help in finding him.
A $50,000 warrant for Tyler Adams' arrest in relation to the murder Sabean was issued by an Oahu Circuit Court judge in September 2020 in connection with a second-degree escape charge, which is a Class C felony.
After learning that Adams was sought in the United States following his escape from custody in Hawaii in 2019, Mexican officials captured Adams. They turned him over to officers of Customs and Border Protection.
Tyler Adams, according to the FBI, showed a phony ID and was allowed to re-enter the country. The Anaheim Police Department and federal agents then took Adams into custody.
As per the local police, Sabean died on April 17, 2021. Her dead body was discovered in May, hidden inside a cooler in her Volkswagen Jetta's trunk, which had been mysteriously abandoned in Tijuana. The daughter of Sabean was found and placed under guard.
According to Racquel's father, David Sabean, video footage from the Tijuana neighborhood where her body was discovered establishes that her boyfriend was the murderer. He even goes so far as to describe Tyler Adams' outfit on the day of the supposed murder. According to David, Adams wore black shoes, gloves, a black mask, and black trousers that day.