The Falcon and the Winter Soldier actor Anthony Mackie has garnered immense traction online and is now trending, following his alleged interaction with a fan. TikTok user @lacikole recently took to the video-sharing platform to claim that the Marvel Cinematic Universe star was the “rudest human being alive.”
At the time of writing this article, Mackie had not publicly responded to the conversation he reportedly had with the fan.
Recently, @lacikole took to TikTok to talk about how seemingly came across Anthony Mackie in a New Orleans gas station, while she was on Spring Break. Describing what allegedly happened, she recalled:
“Here Anthony Mackie comes in this huge f*cking truck all blacked out, all f*cking sleek, windows down. So it’s also like if you don’t want people to come up to you and f*cking say how much they appreciate your work, why the f*ck are all of your windows down and you’re blasting music smoking a f*cking cigar.”
The TikTok user went on to add that when she decided to greet Anthony Mackie, he seemingly refused to interact with her.
TikTok user alleges Anthony Mackie refused to talk to her at gas station
In the video, the TikToker claimed that as she made her way to the 45-year-old actor, she told him:
“Oh my God, I'm so sorry to bother... I know celebrities got sh*t to do. I understand that.”
She added that she was being very “respectful” and “open-minded” while interacting with the actor.
The Twisted Metal star then reportedly held his hand up and calmly said “no,” indicating that he did not want to interact with her.
In the video, the TikToker continued:
“I just wanted to be like- “hey Anthony Mackie like it’s so nice to meet you like I’m so like, your work is actually phenomenal. I’m so glad I got to meet you like have an amazing day. That was it… that was all I wanted.”
She ended her video by claiming that Mackie made “celebrities look bad.”
As mentioned earlier, Mackie had not publicly responded to the video by @lacikole publicly at the time of writing this article.