Daylight Saving Time is a common practice, whereby twice a year, the clock is set one hour ahead of the standard time. The same is done to make the most of the sunlight. Daylight Saving Time, which is commonly known as DST, was first implemented in Thunder Bay, Canada, in 1908. The main goal at the time was the same, to make better use of the daylight. Back then, it was also implemented to save energy.
The practice is done twice a year, once on the second Sunday of March, and the other time, on the first Sunday of November. Hence, as we are approaching the end of October, people of several countries are now getting ready to switch their clocks an hour backwards on November 5, 2023. It would happen at 2 am, and as soon as the clock strikes 2, the time would instantly change to 1 am.
This way, people end up gaining an extra hour during the day. Furthermore, Lohud claimed how the concept was popularized by Germans, as they changed their time and set the clock forward by an hour on April 30, 1916. The same was done during World War I, and the key motive was to save coal.
After Germany and Canada, the UK, France, and several other countries adopted the practice of Daylight Saving Time
As the people of several countries brace themselves to once again change the time on November 5, 2023, it becomes crucial to know the many details and history of the practice. What started in Canada in 1908, got popular during the World War in 1916, when many countries like Germany adopted the method to save coal for artificial lighting.
After Germany, other countries and regions like the United Kingdom, France, and many other parts of the world adopted the practice. The phenomenon was invented and ideated by William Willett, a scientist from New Zealand. However, in the US, the Daylight Saving Time was introduced in 2007.

Initially, it was introduced to save power, and unlike the practice of changing time on the first Sunday of November, earlier, the updating used to take place on the second Sunday of November. However, not all countries follows the DST, as Hawaii and parts of Arizona do not observe the practice. Hence, they have just one standard time all year round.
On the other hand, apart from the USA, 70 nations follow the practice, as many countries state that the idea behind the same is that DST allows people to spend more time outdoors, which saves electricity, and many other resources.
Furthermore, many scientists and experts have also talked about the disadvantages of the DST, one of which is the disruption of the body clock, as the time suddenly changes in the middle of the night. Furthermore, some studies have also stated that Daylight Saving Time increases the risk of a heart attack by 25%.

While Daylight Saving Time has been a routine practice for decades in the US, it might see some changes in the years to come, as last year, the U.S. Senate approved the Sunshine Protection Act. This bill can extend the time all year round and ensure all parts of the USA adhere to one standard time throughout the year.