Rapper Lil Baby’s performance was cut short on Thursday night, September 7, 2023, after a shooting took place at the FedExForum. The shooting left one attendee severely injured, because of which the concert had to be stopped, and the audience and Lil Baby had to be evacuated. Even Rylo, who was accompanying Lil Baby for the show, was immediately asked to exit.
Disclaimer: This article contains written and visual references to a shooting incident. Readers' discretion is advised.
Authorities stated that there were no other casualties reported at the venue. The injured attendee was taken to the hospital immediately, and is no longer in critical condition, as per AP.
The police have not yet identified or caught the shooter. Neither have they identified a possible motive behind the shooting, according to AP. A spokesperson from the FedEx Forum reportedly said that investigation into the matter is currently ongoing.
Pictures from the Lil Baby concert at FedEx Forum show fans in panic: Reactions and more details explored
After the shooting took place, authorities and the staff at the FedEx Forum evacuated Lil Baby to avoid any mishap with the rapper. Audiences were also evacuated and the venue was cleared, so that the investigation could be started immediately.
A few videos that have been posted on social media from inside the Lil Baby concert, shows fans fleeing the venue after hearing gunshots.
In a few pictures posted from Memphis, police vehicles can be seen in and around the FedExForum.
As the videos were posted by a Facebook user, Glentavious Jones, here is how the netizens reacted:
At the same time, many videos are also floating on Twitter, and here is how social media users commented and prayed for the safety of the masses, under a video of the incident uploaded by as @layxsnv.
Many comments, in particular, seemed to be making fun of Rylo's reaction to the gunshots.
At the moment, Lil Baby has not responded to the fiasco, and neither have the authorities revealed more details.