On March 5, 2025, Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared for an interview on Fox News with an ash cross on his forehead. This symbolic gesture coincided with Ash Wednesday, a day when Catholics around the world mark their foreheads with an ash cross to signify the beginning of Lent.
As per the Ghana News Agency, the ash cross is a Christian symbol that marks the start of a period of introspection, confession, and spiritual preparation. This year, Ash Wednesday fell on March 5. This day marks the beginning of 40 days devoted to penance, fasting, and preparation for Christ's resurrection, i.e., Easter.
Marco Rubio, a practicing Catholic of Cuban heritage, also gave an explanation of the meaning of the cross he wore on his forehead during the Fox interview. He said:
"Today is Ash Wednesday, a day of reflection and humility.”
Marco Rubio is a practicing Catholic who recently appeared with an ash cross on his forehead
As per the website of Franciscan Friers, the ash cross on the forehead symbolizes a person's sorrow and grieving for their sins, for which Christians believe Jesus Christ died on the cross. The cross is also intended to demonstrate that a person is a follower of Jesus Christ.
On this day, priests apply ashes to believers' foreheads as a reminder of life's fleeting nature and a call to humility before God. The ash is derived by burning the palm fronds from the Palm Sunday of the previous year.
Christians ceremoniously deposit ashes on their heads, either by sprinkling them or by marking a visible cross on their foreheads. As per the website Catholic Culture, this motion is traditionally accompanied by the words "Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris" (derived from Genesis 3:19). The Latin sentence is translated as:
"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return"
As per the Catholic Culture website, the priest further tells the worshipper, "Believe in the gospel and repent" as he applies the cross of ashes. While many Christians opt to wear the ashes for the remainder of the day, it is not necessary.
As a Catholic, Marco Rubio participated in the Ash Wednesday religious ceremony. In the Fox interview, Rubio explained the significance of the cross on his forehead, saying:
"For millions of Catholics in the United States and around the world, it is a day of faith that reminds us of our fragility and the need to do good.”
Additionally, Marco Rubio also covered several topics in the interview, such as Donald Trump's State of the Union Address, the growing Middle East situation, and the current events in Ukraine.