On August 16, 2023, a video featuring Red Velvet singer Joy went viral. In the video, she was subjected to insults by a staff member of SBS while engaging in her regular impromptu mini fanmeeting outside the broadcasting building. Joy had joined SBS' TV Animal Farm show as a host on June 4, 2021.
Given her role as a host on the aforementioned program, it was only natural for fans to gather at the SBS Building to catch a glimpse of the singer. This led to the spontaneous creation of mini fanmeetings outside the building, during which the idol would warmly wave and greet her fans, interacting with them for a brief moment before heading inside for the program.
However, the aforementioned viral video depicted an incident in which Joy was insulted, creating an unfortunate and uncomfortable situation for the fans. Subsequently, fans turned to social media platforms to express their displeasure with the situation, leading to the hashtag "SBS Apologize to Joy" trending on X, formerly Twitter.
"They did a pinky promise": Fans want SBS to be more careful regarding their behavior towards Red Velvet's Joy
As the viral video depicting Red Velvet singer Joy being unnecessarily shouted at and insulted circulated among fans, many held the opinion that the security guard or staff member who directed such behavior towards the idol should strive for self-improvement and handle the situation more maturely.
While the Red Velvet singer approached to greet fans before entering the building, her bright smile was evident as she spotted her fans.
However, the situation took an aggressive turn when a staff member loudly signaled for her to come inside promptly. Fans noted that the singer had been conducting these mini fanmeetings for over two years, and the staff's audacity to insult her without proper cause was disheartening.
Fans voiced their opinion that the shouting and yelling at Joy and her supporters were not just unpleasant but also disrespectful to both parties. Since there was no apparent urgency, fans found the staff's unwarranted behavior outright rude. The incident saddened fans who witnessed the singer's unhappy expression at that unfortunate moment.
Consequently, fans began trending hashtags on Twitter such as "SBS Apologize to Joy" and "SBS Respect Joy," seeking justice for the idol who had been subjected to unfair treatment.
The situation began to ease when the staff member who had insulted the singer emerged from the building to explain the matter to the fans. He clarified that due to the increasing crowd, he had called the Red Velvet singer for safety reasons and to ensure her well-being.
He extended an apology to the fans and mentioned that the spot for fan meeting greetings had been relocated outside the parking lot fence in consideration of the idol's safety.
Later, as the idol wrapped up her schedule, she came outside the building to engage in a mini fanmeeting with her supporters. She expressed surprise at the staff member's behavior but nonetheless assured fans that she would now meet them outside the parking lot fence due to safety concerns.
The Red Velvet singer and her fans made a promise, symbolized by a pinky swear, to meet at this new location every day for a brief chat session. She also received numerous gifts and flowers from her fans and engaged in conversations.
Undoubtedly, fans expressed that the situation could have been handled more maturely without the need for shouting or rude behavior towards the idol. They expressed hopes for a change in the behavior of the SBS staff member.
The singer's most recent appearance was in the K-drama Once Upon a Small Time.