On Thursday, December 21, NCT's Johnny conducted a few video fan call sessions for the lucky winners who bagged the prize of communicating with the idol through a video call. Fans were naturally awaiting the content that would land on the internet from the same and were thrilled to see the fan-idol interactions, given that it's usually intriguing and much looked forward to.
However, fans were rather disappointed to learn that one fan asked Johnny an uncomfortable and inappropriate question. They asked that if there was a sudden fire at the idol's house while he was showering and he didn't have the time to grab a towel or anything else, would he cover his face of his private parts?
While the idol initially tried to brush off the question, the fans' continuous insistence made the idol eventually give an answer. However, fans could notice that the idol was clearly disinterested and uncomfortable. Upon viewing the interaction, fans have been enraged about the person's behavior towards Johnny.
Fans enraged following an inappropriate question to NCT's Johnny during his recent video call event
Since the time COVID-19 hit the world, video fan call events have been one of the several measures taken by the K-pop industry to make fans feel connected and in-loop with their K-pop idols. The practice has been continued due to its convenience and efficiency in bringing together fans from all around the world.
However, it has developed a few dissatisfying factors about itself that netizens have consistently criticized and looked down upon. Recently there have been many instances where K-pop idols have been put in uncomfortable situations with the fans' questions and interactions during the video fan call, and Johnny's recent event adds to the disturbing collection.
On December 21, NCT's Johnny was asked a seemingly uncomfortable question by a fan:
Just imagine that you are now in a shower and the apartment's fire alarm has just been triggered, and you only have one free hand. So, would you choose to run out of the building with your face covered or you know... private parts covered.
When Johnny replied to this stating that he'd try to grab a towel at least, the fan insisted on a different answer by stating that he wouldn't have time to grab one. Following the same, the idol had no choice but to give in and he finally stated:
Then, I...I'm gonna, I guess I'm going outside naked.
While the idol looked calm and collected during the entirety of the video call, fans could sense that he wasn't happy or comfortable with the situation. With this recent interaction between the idol and a fan adding to the long and concerning list of inappropriate video fan calls, netizens have been enraged about the same:
They couldn't help but fire criticism at the fans who asked the idols uncomfortable and unpleasant questions when they could discuss other aspects of the idol such as his talents, interests, achievements, etc.