One of the most anticipated releases of the year is the upcoming thriller K-drama series The Deal, which revolves around an intriguing kidnapping plot. Directed by Lee Jung-gon, the show stands as an adaptation of the popular webcomic series that goes by the same name and was written by Wooman 02.
By gathering several significant faces of the industry, the series has not only managed to pique the curiosity of veteran K-drama watchers but also the global masses.
One of the many reasons The Deal gained popularity even before its release is due to its upcoming pre-release at the honorably 28th Busan International Film Festival.
Given the inevitably global buzz it created, the show is also expected to make an eye-catching international debut in around 200 countries around the globe. With its premise only a couple of days away, on October 6, 2023, fans can hardly wait to get a hold of it.
The first two episodes of The Deal will be released on October 6
The Deal is an intriguing thriller series that revolves around three high school friends whose course of life takes a huge unexpected turn during the reunion years after graduation. The characters are Lee Jun-seong, played by Yoo Seong-ho, Song Jae-hyo, played by Kim Dong-hwi, and Park Min-woo, played by Yoo Su-bin.
Lee Jun-seong, who used to hold a future as a successful football player, gets his dreams shattered along the way and aims to give his life a fresh start after his return from the military. Park Min-woo, on the other hand, is undertaking his medical degree at a university in Korea.
However, when they come together to reunite with their other high school friend, Song Jae-hyo, the only son of a loaded family, they plan a kidnapping mission in order to demand 10 billion dollars from Song Jae-hyo's family in return for their son.
In addition to the already remarkable cast and thrilling plotline, the K-drama actress Lee Joo-young will also appear in the series as Cha Soo-an. She plays the role of a police officer who accidentally comes across the kidnapping mission and decides to investigate it.
The Deal, developed by Wavve Studios, is expected to have three out of its total episodes screened at the 28th Busan International Film Festival, which is held between October 4 and 13, 2023. While the attendees will be able to get a glimpse of the same during its screening on October 5, the first two episodes will be officially released on Wavve on October 6 at 6 PM KST.
The Korean series The Deal will also be available to a wide global audience like Europe, America, Australia, the Middle East, and India, who can get a hold of it through the streaming platform Rakuten Viki.
Additionally, the Taiwanese audience can access the same through the OTT platform, FriDay. Regardless, other Asian countries like Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Mongolia can also access it through their leading streaming platforms.
With The Deal's trailer release creating all the more expectations and interest in its global audience, fans can hardly wait for its premiere.