Doja Cat recently confirmed a new title for her upcoming album, leaving fans exclaiming as she also shared her thoughts on her previous albums, Planet Her and Hot Pink. On May 9, the artist wrote on Twitter that her two previous albums were “cash-grabs” and that fans fell for them. She also mentioned:
“Now i can go disappear somewhere and touch grass with my loved ones on an island while yall weep for mediocre pop.”
As fans were already anticipating her new album, the artist added in another tweet that her upcoming album’s title is First of All.
Doja Cat had previously announced that she had new music ready to be released. She even changed her name on social media to "Hellmouth," which fans thought to be the next album’s title. The artist then cleared the confusion in her tweet:
Fans found the entire situation hilarious, as one user posted:
Fans react as Doja Cat shares her new album title
First of All, the artist's upcoming album has no confirmed release date as of yet. Additionally, Doja Cat revealed in April that all of her next work will be rap-based because the singer is no longer interested in pop. Here is how fans reacted to the artist's announcement:
Doja Cat has four studio albums to her name
Meanwhile, Doja also previously shared that she faced criticism for her earlier rap material. She shared that the majority of her rap verses are mid and corny. The artist added:
“I know they are. I wasn’t trying to prove anything, I just enjoy making music. But I’m getting tired of hearing y’all say that I can’t so I will.”
The artist is ready to showcase her new music with much-anticipated different records than before. Doja is not interested in pop; hence, it leaves fans eager for what she will bring to the music industry with this new album.
The American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer is renowned for her trending tracks and videos that are popular on social media platforms such as TikTok. The artist’s hit tracks feature Say So, Kiss Me More, Woman, and You Right.
The artist published four albums, including Amala in 2018, Hot Pink in 2019, Planet Her in 2021, and First of All in 2023. She also won various awards and accolades. She was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time in 2023.
The artist has also been the talk of the biggest fashion night, the 2023 Met Gala, as she was dressed up as a cat in honor of late fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld’s cat Choupette. Fans praised the artist's creative way of dressing up according to this year's Met Gala theme.