Actress Keke Palmer shared a video of her 13-month-old son, Leodis 'Leo' Andrellton, saying 'mama' via Instagram on March 29. In the video clip, Palmer looked at the camera and asked jokingly:
"Why you always gotta play shy, brother? You is not shy, brother."
Keke went on to ask whether he liked his mom with blood (makeup) on her face. After staring at the camera for a while, Leo leaned forward and uttered the word 'mama.' Keke Palmer was surprised and reacted with a loud cheer.
Keke Palmer's son calls her 'mama' in a viral Instagram clip
In her Instagram post, Keke Palmer can be seen wearing a grey overcoat with bloody gashes all over her face and a bleeding nose. It was likely because she was in the middle of a shoot while filming the Instagram video. Despite all the blood, Leo still cuddled up to her and Keke started filming the moment.
As Leo rested his head on Keke's shoulder, Palmer asked him:
"Do Mommy look good with the blood on her face?"
After a couple of moments, Leo leaned toward the camera and could be heard uttering the word 'mama.' Keke Palmer got excited and shouted an extended 'OH', cheering for her son. She captioned the post:
"I’m not crying, YOU ARE."
Fans of the Nope actress showered the video with love in the comment section. One user even asked if that was the first time Leo said the word 'mama.' To this, Keke Palmer replied, 'Saying it so clear yes!'
Ever since the birth of Leo, Keke Palmer has been extremely positive and open about her experiences as a mother. In an interview with US Weekly on March 25, the Emmy-winning actress commented that she would love to have 'a soccer team of kids.' She jokingly said:
"I really want to just be, like, at least Diana Ross and at most Eddie Murphy. I want a lot of kids."
For the unversed, Diana Ross has five children and Eddie Murphy has ten.
Earlier in March, Keke also expressed her changed outlook on motherhood in an interview with People Magazine. The actress explained:
"I do feel like being 30, it's put me in a different head space that's allowed me to kind of feel more observational about my life. I'm not so in the weeds of everything. I'm really trusting and having faith that everything will work out as it should. I think so much of that peace has come from my son."
Keke went on to compare her life to a juggling act as she has to strike a balance between her career and her child.
Keke Palmer's woes with Leodis' biological father
Palmer's ex-boyfriend, Darius Jackson, is Leodis' biological father. However, the two separated in October 2023 and have been engaged in a continuous legal dispute ever since.
Keke Palmer accused Darius Jackson of physical violence during their relationship, while Jackson's brother filed a restraining order against Keke claiming that she harassed their family.
Despite the relationship troubles, the actress has maintained her undivided commitment to being the best mother to Leodis and has been very open about her parenting experiences.