Not Quite Narwhal is a heartwarming and enchanting animated TV series set to release on Netflix on Monday, June 19, 2023. It is based on the book of the same name written by Jessie Sima. The series is a collaboration between Brown Bag Films, DreamWorks Animation Television, DreamWorks Animation, and Netflix. It has Nevin Kar as Kelp, Sasha Knight as Nell, and Scarlett Kate Ferguson as Luna.
The series is the story of Kelp, who always believed that he was a narwhal like the rest of his family until he met another creature that looked like him. The Netflix Junior series will take its young viewers on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. The show is set to bring to life a touching story that celebrates the importance of embracing one's true self.
Here is a synopsis of Not Quite Narwhal as stated by IMDb:
"Not Quite Narwhal follows curious and fun-loving Kelp, who has always believed he's a narwhal like the rest of his family under the sea, until the day he makes the most amazing discovery - he's actually a unicorn."
Not Quite Narwhal is a delightful tale of self-discovery and acceptance
As mentioned earlier, Not Quite Narwhal is adapted from Jessie Sima's book of the same name. The characters in the series are voiced by Nevin Kar, Sasha Knight, and Scarlett Kate Ferguson.
The trailer of the children's animated show gives viewers a glimpse of a young and inquisitive Kelp, who always felt like he belongs with his underwater narwhal family. However, he does have some traits that set him apart from his family. Kelp is also fascinated by the land and is very curious to see the world above the surface of the water.
When Kelp is exploring a sunken ship, he unexpectedly surfaces from the water and discovers a mysterious land inhabited by unicorns. He realizes that he possesses a magical horn and belongs to the unicorn world. Although Kelp does find a deep connection with his new friends on land, he still longs for his supportive narwhal family.
Through meaningful encounters and adventures, he learns to embrace his uniqueness and accept his true self. Balancing his love for both worlds, Kelp's journey of self-discovery teaches him the importance of self-acceptance and the beauty of being true to oneself.
Jessie Sima is a famous illustrator and has written a number of children's books
Jessie Sima, the writer of the book that the series is based on, wrote on their website that Kelp doesn't mind being different from the other narwhals. They add that when Kelp is carried away by a strong current, he meets mysterious, sparkling creatures. This leads to Kelp wondering if he isn't a narwhal at all.
Sima notes that the story shows Kelp's journey across land and sea as he tries to figure out where he belongs and what it means for him to be "not quite narwhal."
Jessie Sima, a renowned author, and illustrator, has produced several notable works in the realm of children's literature. Their acclaimed books include Harriet Gets Carried Away, Weather Together, and Love, Z. Sima's talent and art have helped them gain recognition, with their works receiving numerous awards and honors.
Not Quite Narwhal was also a recipient of the Indies Choice Book Award. Their other book Harriet Gets Carried Away was named a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year. With their captivating storytelling and illustrations, Jessie Sima continues to leave a lasting impact on young readers and literature enthusiasts alike.
Not Quite Narwhal was published under Simon & Schuster. With their whimsical illustrations and charming characters, Sima captures the essence of Kelp's journey with a delicate touch.
Season one of the animated series Not Quite Narwhal is set to be released on Monday, June 19, 2023, exclusively on Netflix.