Former Big Brother UK contestants Olivia Young and Matty Simpson are starting a new digital venture timed with the highly anticipated Celebrity Big Brother reboot in 2024. The duo has launched a TikTok show titled Frenemies, which will offer commentary and discussions about the events and contestants on the upcoming season of Celebrity Big Brother.
With their first-hand experience as reality show participants, Young and Simpson plan to provide unique insights and a fresh take on the happenings inside the house. The social media show marks an innovative approach to reality TV analysis, moving it to TikTok instead of traditional media formats.
Olivia Young and Matty Simpson launch TikTok show Frenemies amid Celebrity Big Brother reboot
Ex-Big Brother contestants Olivia Young and Matty Simpson are capitalizing on their reality TV fame by launching a new TikTok show named Frenemies, coordinated to run alongside the latest UK edition of Celebrity Big Brother.
On Frenemies, Young and Simpson intend to give commentary and have discussions dissecting notable events and participants. They plan to draw from their direct experiences as contestants themselves to provide one-of-a-kind insight into the show's ongoings.
The commentary on Frenemies will focus its analysis on objectively examining developments inside the Celebrity Big Brother house instead of making personal judgments about the celebrity housemates. Young and Simpson aim to leverage their expertise as reality show insiders into delivering takeaways that offer viewers enhanced comprehension of competitive environments like Celebrity Big Brother.
Segments will highlight reactions from Young and Simpson as well as opportunities for audiences to share their own opinions.
By moving their analysis to TikTok, Young and Simpson are transitioning from appearing on reality TV to hosting and driving conversations around new reality show content.
The relaunch of Celebrity Big Brother in 2024 has garnered significant attention. After a hiatus, the show is set to return with a lineup that includes familiar faces from various entertainment sectors.
The reboot of Celebrity Big Brother features a star-studded cast, including musician and talent show judge Louis Walsh, veteran television host Fern Britton, and popular Love Island alum Ekin-Su.
As the events and relationships between celebrity houseguests unfold on-screen, the Frenemies hosts will provide informed discussions based on reflecting on their own firsthand experiences as contestants.
Olivia Young leverages previous experience as a model and dancer in Glasgow prior to gaining wider recognition through her appearance on Big Brother UK. Known for strategic gameplay and involvement in memorable show moments, Young ultimately claimed runner-up position on Big Brother.
Likewise, Simpson has transitioned from a background as a specialized physician to increased fame as a Big Brother contestant noted for a positive and drama-free approach. Their shared experiences before front-facing cameras, both within and now beyond the Big Brother house, have prepared Young and Simpson for the roles of commentators and analysts on their new TikTok show Frenemies.
Final thoughts
In Frenemies, Simpson's calm and collected approach complements Young's more vibrant style. His insights into the dynamics of the Celebrity Big Brother house, drawn from his own experiences, provide a balanced and thoughtful perspective to the show. Together, Young and Simpson's contrasting styles create a dynamic that is both entertaining and informative for the viewers of Frenemies.