Netflix, without fail, has given the best of shows to every age group, just like the teen-drama On My Block. The show follows four protagonists with a life-long friendship, who share their struggles of growing up together in an unsafe neighborhood. What makes the show stand out is how they always have each other's back, no matter the occasion, but that changed in the series' third season.
The final season of On My Block premiered on Netflix today, picking up all the loose ends from last season. The group parted ways towards the end of season three, even after making a pact not to let distance ruin their friendship. They seem to be busy in their own lives, but sadly, have a lot of cold blood and unresolved issues amongst them.
'On My Block' Season 4: A review
The final season of On My Block mainly focuses on how every character is dealing with things in their lives. With Monse starting her new school, César joining Santos again, Jamal turning to football, and Jasmine and Ruby getting close, the season has a lot in store for viewers.
It's an absolute joy to see everyone back in the same town, how much they have grown since the last season and where their decisions have led them. It's amazing how they have portrayed the struggles of living in an unsafe neighborhood, the ups and downs of a friendship and how one bad decision can change everything forever.
The season not only showed character development but also how much the storylines have changed since their inception. Kudos to the creators and the cast for doing an amazing job of putting the season together with emotional sequences, suspense and funny moments; everything balanced together perfectly. This season, in a nutshell, is a little messy and scattered but it's beautifully devastating and sweet in the best way possible, a bittersweet farewell indeed.
The real reason why the show became so popular for viewers is the powerful storyline they get to see, enjoy and dissect every time, while also getting to know each character properly. It is definitely unfortunate that the series was not able to be in the spotlight like other coming-of-age shows but the ones who know about it, have loved and appreciated the show.
What does the future hold for fans of On My Block?
Sadly, the series has come to an end after the release of its fourth season. It was reported that the reason was mainly the increasing salaries of the cast, which was costing the streaming service a lot.
However, upon the announcement of the series' final season, it was also revealed that it had ordered a spin-off based on the original series called Freeridge, but without the original cast.
Season 4 of On My Block is now streaming on Netflix.