Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Straws have been trending since August 22, 2022, after a video went viral on TikTok, receiving billions of views. The video was posted on Instagram by @newyorknico, a baseball fan, who was in New York having his beer with a straw resembling a hot dog.
Netizens gave a positive response to the video with most of them praising that a hot dog straw can be used to have a drink.
On August 22, the company announced that they are introducing straws that look similar to a real hot dog and food-safe soft silicone has been used to make it feel like a hot dog. It is already out for pre-order which can be done at oscarmayer.com/hotdogstraw. The website states that it will be available till the supplies last or September 5, 2023.
Kelsey Rice, associate director of the hot dog company, said during a press release that they salute the person who created something that can be enjoyed like a hot dog.
Rice said:
"Taking inspiration from a classic Oscar Mayer dog, the silicone Hot Dog Straw is designed for optimal sipping, and we hope it brings a friendly reminder that we don't need to take enjoying a delicious hot dog seriously. Some things are just meant to be fun."
Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Straws purchase, pre-order, and other details explained
In case someone is planning to purchase the Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Straws, the good news is that they are already available for pre-order. People simply need to visit oscarmayer.com/hotdogstraw. The official Instagram page of Oscar Mayer also shared a video related to the straws and wrote:
"One year ago today, a legend made a hot dog into a straw at a baseball game. Today, @newyorknico helped us bring Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Straws to the world. Preorder yours now, link in bio. #keepitoscar."
The website states that straws must be washed using warm water, cannot be used for having hot drinks, and should not be put inside a microwave. The straws have seemingly gone out of stock and the site has requested people to try making the purchase later. The straws are free to purchase.
There has been a lot of discussion among the public on who has been the inspiration behind the straws. According to Today, fashion editorial director, Jian DeLeon is the one who created the straw. DeLeon also posted a tweet with a picture where a man is seen in a hot dog dress and the caption reads:
"It could literally be anyone of us."
The initial sale happened at the beginning of this week and the first lineup was sold out in only nine minutes. A spokesperson for the company later assured everyone that they would try their best to complete everyone's orders in time.
The company's website has a form where people can fill up their details so that they get a notification when the straws are available again.