Our Father is an intensely woven, jaw-dropping documentary film that arrived on Netflix on May 11, 2022. Since its premiere, the documentary has received a lot of positive feedback from both viewers and critics for portraying the terrifying truth as honestly as possible.
Directed by Lucie Jourdan, the documentary sheds light upon the dreadfully sinister story of Dr. Donald Cline, a fertility specialist in Indianapolis who used his own sperm to inseminate many women without their consent or knowledge over a span of many years.
The official synopsis of the documentary released by Netflix reads:
"A top fertility doctor had a sickening secret: he was using his own sperm. Decades later, his “children” band together to pursue justice."
In recent times, true-crime documentaries have gained their own set of admirers. With every streaming platform launching new documentaries, there's plenty for viewers to watch.
What sets this documentary apart from others is that it does not attempt to glamourize heartbreaking occurrences by focusing on the villain; in this case, Dr. Donald Cline. Instead, the documentary puts its main focus on the victims and attempts to showcase the entire story from their viewpoint.
Without further delay, let's look at some of the major highlights of Netflix's brand new documentary film.
Our Father explores the possible reasons behind Dr. Cline's heinous actions
Was this is his way of seeking redemption?

For the most part, the documentary film's director seeks to empathetically present the victims' side of the story to the public. However, the film's last act focuses mostly on delving into the causes for Dr. Donald Cline's heinous deeds in Indianapolis throughout the years.
At one certain point in the Netflix documentary, it is shown that Dr. Cline, earlier in his life, went through a traumatic experience. It was revealed that he accidentally ran over and killed a little girl on his way. It is shown in the documentary that this incident changed him forever and turned his life upside down.
This was when he made the decision to seek redemption through religion. The documentary film, Our Father, has focused on this incident as one of the possible reasons behind his heinous actions. However, it is clear that the documentary does not justify his acts in any way or for any reason.
Was it his religious beliefs?

The documentary has pointed out his possible connection with the Quiverfull movement. According to reports, it is a cult or religious community that views women solely as child-breeders.
They encourage their members to have as many children as possible and think of the children as the arrows of God, born only to spread Christianity and the words of the Bible.
Reportedly, members of the cult deeply believe that their real purpose on Earth is to raise an army of conservative Christians. Their intense beliefs also indicate that they want to stop any form of contraception as they believe that having kids is God's absolute will and it should not be questioned.

What is even more heartbreaking is that the followers of Quiverfull want to breed only white children because they fear that the white community might disappear one day. Given that the majority of Dr. Cline's biological offspring are blue-eyed blondes, the documentary suggests that this could be one of the motivations for Cline's horrible crimes over the years.
Catch Our Father, which is currently available on Netflix from May 11, 2022.