Friday's episode of Snapped will chronicle the murders committed by alleged serial killer Kelly Cochran, who was behind the murders of her husband Jason Cochran and lover Christopher Regan. Kelly remains a suspect in at least nine other killings after she allegedly claimed to have buried other "friends" in Indiana, Michigan, Tennessee, and Minnesota. The theory remains a mystery to date.
The synopsis of the episode titled Kelly Cochran, scheduled to air on Oxygen this Friday, December 30, at 7 pm ET, states:
"The disappearance of a Michigan man triggers a tragic chain of events that ends in another man's death nearly 400 miles away."
In October 2014, Jason Cochran and Kelly first killed the latter's lover, Christopher, inside their home in Iron River, Michigan, after luring him with the promise of s*x. They shot him to death and then dismembered his body before dumping them in the woods. The killing was caused by a pact the couple made: to "kill off anyone involved in their extramarital affairs."
Kelly, who was unhappy about her lover's death, then murdered her husband by injecting him with an overdose of heroin in early 2016, after which she was connected to both killings and arrested. She subsequently confessed and was sentenced to life with an additional 65 years in prison.
Jason Cochran and his wife Kelly made a pact after their wedding that would eventually lead to two tragic killings
Kelly and Jason Cochran were high school sweethearts and neighbors, born and brought up in Merrillville, Indiana. The former finished high school in 2002, after which they got married and made a lifelong pact to kill anyone they might cheat on. In 2013, the couple left and relocated to Caspian, Michigan, where Kelly met Air Force veteran Christopher Regan at her workplace and started an affair.
But Regan went mysteriously missing on October 14, 2014, and was only reported missing ten days later by his ex-partner, Terri O’Donnell. Authorities soon discovered his car and a note inside with Kelly and Jason Cochran's home address. They questioned the couple and learned about the affair, however, a lack of evidence prevented cops from making an arrest.
Christopher's case eventually went cold, and the couple moved to Hobart, Indiana. where Kelly reportedly murdered her husband on February 20, 2016. EMTs discovered Jason Cochran unconscious when they arrived at the scene at the couple's Mississippi Street home. She intentionally caused her husband to overdose by giving him a lethal heroin dose and then strangled him to a quick death.
Jason Cochran's death was initially declared an overdose
EMTs, however, pronounced Jason Cochran dead from an overdose. By April 26, Kelly had fled Indiana and was only declared a fugitive after the medical examiner revealed the cause of death as asphyxiation. She was charged with murder, home invasion, conspiracy to commit disinterment and mutilation of bodies, concealing the death of an individual, lying to a police officer, and accessory to murder.
Kelly Cochran soon confessed to both murders, claiming that she, along with her husband, first gunned down Christopher Regan and dismembered his body before dumping them in the woods after Jason found out about her affair with Regan. She eventually admitted to killing her husband in an attempt to get revenge for the murder of her boyfriend.
According to All That's Interesting, during her trial, Kelly stated that Christopher was "the only good thing I had in my life" and that she "contemplated killing Jason instead of Chris." She further added:
"I still hate him, and yes, it was revenge. I evened the score."
Kelly was found guilty and sentenced to life plus an additional 65 years for the murders of Christopher Regan and Jason Cochran. She also allegedly confessed to having murdered more people—at least nine—and buried their bodies across multiple states.