Ozark is an American TV drama that first aired in July 2017. The plot revolves around a financial planner who finds himself in a challenging situation after a money-laundering plan fails. The drama continues as his situation allows him to reconnect with his family.
Fans who have watched the show consider the 4th season to be special as it has a significant amount of drama in it. With part two of the finale just around the corner, here are three things you need to know about it.
Ozark season 4 part 2: Know when and where to watch it
1) When and where to watch
Ozark season 4 part 2 gets aired on April 29, 2022 on the streaming platform Netflix. It will comprise of seven episodes just like part one. Viewers can expect some over-the-edge drama and cutting-edge action scenes, just like they witnessed in all the previous seasons.
2) Who's in? Who's out?
Throughout the entire show, viewers witnessed the deaths of several characters. In season 4 part 1 of Ozark, characters like John Nix, played by Robert C. Treveiler, Frank Cosgrove senior, played by John Bedford Lloyd, and Wyatt Langmore, played by Charlie Tahan, met with their ultimate fate. These characters will not be appearing in the second part of the finale.
However, in season 4 part 2, the Byrdes' will be joined by some new cast members including FBI Special Agent Maya Miller, played by Jessica Frances Dukes, Omar Navarro, played by Felix Solis, and Ruth Langmore, played by Julia Garner.
3) Why is the finale broken down in two parts?
Unlike the first three seasons of this sitcom, which comprised of ten episodes each, the team wanted the finale to be a bit longer. This is because they didn't want to leave behind any unsolved puzzles for its viewers.
The debate was between having four seasons or five in total. It was Netflix's idea to have four seasons and break the last one into two parts. Like season 4 part 1, part 2 will have nail-biting moments and over-the-top action scenes too.
The show has managed to create its own fanbase since the very first episode. The plot, screenplay, and onscreen performance of the actors have made it one of the most popular sitcoms on Netflix.
The show has bagged an 8.5/10 rating from IMDb and 86% from Rotten Tomatoes.