Ozark Season 4, the highly anticipated season of the critically acclaimed series, has finally premiered on Netflix on January 21, 2022. Revolving around the riveting journey of the Byrde family into the world of drugs and money laundering, the series has made quite a mark in the hearts of viewers over the years.
Therefore, the viewers' expectations were relatively high regarding the fourth season, and it looks like the season has not failed to keep the audience quite engrossed.
The Byrde family saga took a new turn at season 3's end when Omar Navarro chose Byrdes over Helen. It changed the position of the Byrdes in the power chain and brought an array of new unforgiving troubles.
Ozark season 4 takeaways
Where there is power, there is no peace
It is well-known that with great power comes great responsibility, but in Ozark, with great power comes excellent complications and troubles. Getting chosen by Omar Navarro has its price that the Byrde family has to pay to survive.
From the surface, it may look like it's just a power play for the family, but when reminded about the consequences, the audience is bound to realize that at the heart of all this mayhem lies the basic desire to come out alive.
For Ruth, one of the most powerfully vigilant characters in the crime drama Ozark, power brings the same. Her newfound raging power after Ben's murder by the orders of his sister Wendy and new association with Darlene brings her nothing but unimaginably formidable incidents, which include the death of her cousin Wyatt.
Freedom seems like a fleeting dream in Ozark
Throughout season 4, the audience witnesses Marty and Wendy making deals and trying to fulfil them to be free from their life of crime in Ozark and go back to Chicago. But no matter how much they try, they seem to pull back in the pot-hole of troubles and unwanted complications.
When they finally successfully make a deal between the FBI and Javier, a hope for their freedom arises. But it was short-lived as the hot-headed nephew of Omar Navarro went on to kill Darlene and Ruth's cousin, Wyatt, leading to a vengeful Ruth rushing to kill Javier.
Ruth is also seen craving back her freedom as she plans to leave Ozark behind. But as the dreadful incident of Wyatt's death unlocks, Ruth hits rock bottom and her desire to leave Ozark behind seems unreachable.
Incidentally, Omar Navarro's almost acquired life as a free man is disrupted by the intervention of Maya. Thus, freedom looks like a fleeting dream for the characters of Ozark Season 4.
Don't miss the intensely woven Ozark season 4, streaming on Netflix from January 21, 2022.